Chapter 46 - "The turmoil...inside out..."

Start from the beginning

Carlos sounds too much perplexed and his query brings my lost voice back.

"Déjeme ver. Podemos llamar a la polocía más tarde." (Let me see. We can call the police later.)

Carlos cocks his head in approval. I tighten the strap of my nightrobe and steps out to head to the main gate. The storm has lost its vigour, still, the wind is cold and piercing. My heart is throbbing in anticipation. Tears prick my blurred eyes. Why it is so difficult to become emotionless. We reach the outhouse gate. A man is lying on his stomach. He is tall and well-built, wearing the same blazer and pant that Manik was wearing when I came out from the hotel room. Now, there is no chance of any mistake. My mind leaves the last hope. Unknowingly a snivel escapes my mouth.


My voice cracks in middle.


"There's a place in your heart where

Nobody's been; take me there...."

I don't know how long I was walking along the deserted bleak roads of the city suburb. The sky is not starry nor bright with the moonglow. It's gloomy and enshrouded with a rain cloud. I know it's going to pour and I am thirsting for that.

"I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying in pain."

I murmur the famous quote. I have never felt so void and apathetic. Nandini's words are slashing my heart without respite,

"He is a rape child and a rape child doesn't have any father."

Maan's innocent face comes vividly in front of my eyes. The drizzling starts and settles on my lashes. I don't know when I reach Nandini's place. The outhouse is gloomily standing amidst the darkness. She must have slept with her buddle of joy. Her son. I am sacred of calling him ours. He doesn't have any father. Not like me for sure. Suddenly the intensity of the rain increases and a bolt of blinding lightning cracks the pitch-black sky. I stand in front of the fence gate like an uninvited guest. I want to break this barrier but I have lost the strength and due. The thunderbolt strikes a nearby tree, making me blind and deaf for a moment. I know this storm can swipe me out anytime but it's still not as wild as I keep it inside. I am gazing at the outhouse window glass with a ravenous heart. It's like hope beyond hope. Did I see her scared face behind the misty glass or it's a mirage? I am feeling cold and numb. The hailstorm is mercilessly playing with my body. I claw the wooden frame of the gate and slowly kneel on the ground. The gust and rain lash my skin and clothes. Suddenly a deafening roar again accompanies the whooshing sound of the rain. That was the last feeling I felt that night before collapsing in front of the gate. It was peaceful and soothing.

"How can I love someone new,

When every night I dream of you?"

I close my eyes keeping her smiling face in them. I love you Nandini...though I don't deserve you.


"Because of drenching in the rain for a long time, he has a fever. His pulse is weak too. But don't worry. He will be alright if he takes rest. Be careful about cold. He shouldn't be exposed to a cold atmosphere. Then it can turn to pneumonia."

The Dr explains in detail. I glance at Manik who is now peacefully lying on my bed. I had to introduce him as my relative to Carlos to avoid police interference. I hope Manik will get well very soon and leave this place before Calida comes. She knows him very well and I never told her that Manik is anyhow related to me.

"Can we shift him to his place? I mean...I may not take proper care of him. This is my workplace and I often remain out of the house."

I try to place my inconvenience.

"It can be but not for now. He needs attendance and care. I would suggest you keep him here only. After 3-4 days, he can get back to his place. No problem in that."

Dr Davies turns down my query. Carlos might observe my expression. He intervenes,

"Nandini...don't worry about the attendance and care. El puede quedarse en nuestra casa." (He can stay at our house) Calida vendrá mañana." (Calida will come by tomorrow)

"That exactly I don't want. It will create plenty of complications."

I mumble in my mind. The Dr leaves after making me understand about the medicines. Carlos also leaves after assuring Manik's shifting to his main house. It's around 7 am. I and Carlos were awake for the entire night. I changed Manik's clothes to Carlos borrowed night suit. He is looking like a cute menace right now. I frown at him. Drama king...moron...Always comes to trouble me. Maan is still sleeping in his small cot as I had to lie down Manik in my bed. Due to waking up all night, my temples are throbbing. I need to take a pill. I grab my bag and thrust my hand inside it. Only then, a packet touches my fingers and I take it out. The sight makes me utter disappointedly,

" could I forget?"

Author's note: Will Nandini take care of Manik? Will he stay at her place or leave? What did Nandini find in her bag? 🤔🤔How will Calida react to seeing Manik at Nandini's place?🙄 Will it create more complications?😳 To know all these, keep reading. ❤

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