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Sorry I haven't updated recently I've been stressing about my school that starts next week. I am going to be busy but I will try and get the next few chapters finished  by when my school starts.

This chapter also gave me major writers block so sorry for the sorta filler chapter.

"Sometimes all I think about is you" -glass animals

About two weeks after the incident ladybug finally called chat noir off of her bug phone. Telling him she's finally well enough to walk around and meet up with him.

The day they planned to meet up she was filled with stress. Rena or Alya had filled her in on how far into the conversation she got to before being hit. She had also mentioned to Marinette that chat knows that Alya knows.

To say she was scared was an understatement.

Today was also the first day Marinette would be going back to school. When she got to school she explained to her teachers she still had to take it easy (doctors orders) and Alya had agreed to let her borrow her notes.

As she walked into school actually on time for one she quickly made her way over to her desk, trying to avoid as much attention as possible. She turned to her best friend "I can't believe I'm back!" "Me either girl. I missed my desk partner" the two girls laughed.

Nino and Adrien then turned around "hey dudette missed you here" "me too, I haven't seen you since the day me and Alya visited" a small blush coated his and her cheeks. "Oh I uh did say anything weird when I was high on pain meds right" she chuckled nervously.
"Actually" he noticed Nino laugh and Alya look at him confused "you know what I'll tell you about it later"

The bell then rang and ms bustier came in.

As English dragged on Marinette couldn't help but start to think about what she was gonna say to chat. She began fidgeting with the seams of her jeans and could barely sit still. She raised her hand. "Can I go to the washroom please?" "Of course" ms bustier continued with the lesson.

Marinette got to the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. She had really needed a breather. All this thinking was driving her crazy. She turned to the sink turning it on as , she formed the a bowl and placed her hands under the sink gathering the water and splashing her face.

She then walked back to class.

Entering the room as quiet as possible she walked to her desk and noticed adrien looking at her. A slight blush crept onto her face, no matter how hard Marinette tried to fight it.

as she sat back into her seat Alya looked over at her, worry evident on her face. sensing Alya's eyes "I'm fine i just needed a breather" mai said. however that did not convince  alya. she knew better. she also knew not to press on the subject when it was clear marinette did not want that.

fnally classes for the day were done and everyone packed up their things. As the students walk out of class Marinettes friends come up to her in the halls.

"we were thinking that we should hangout." adrien spoke first. "we could even just go out for dinner or something" alya said "ya it doesn't have to be for long" nino said throwing his arm over alyas shoulder.

She looked hesitant but then agreed as long as they would be done by 7:30. This would give her time to make her way to chat and hers meeting place for. 7:45.

All the teens parted ways and agreed to meet at a restaurant at 6.

Marinette arrived to see her friends already there. They even had a table and drinks already. She was confused because she was actually on time for once "hey guys" they all greeted her back as she took a seat next to adrien.

Over the next hour light conversation flowed through the four teens. Lots of food and breadsticks later the group all payed for their meals before going their separate ways.

She transformed in a nearby alley way after she was sure no one was around. She climbed up on the roof beside her and used her yo-yo to get to the meeting place.

Seeing chat already there she hesitantly landed next to him. "Hi" she said nervously. "Is your head okay?" Worry in his voice "I had a concussion, fine now" he let a breath out "ok. Now you have explaining to do." His expression changed quickly from worry to a betrayed bitter look.

"Honestly" she gazed at him. "I have no idea why I did all of this. I could take the easy way out and say I was stressed and didn't think things through but, I have no excuses I have no reason I just did. I told Rena because I had to break up with my boyfriend" she said in a tone only which could be described as confusion and one which you realize how stupid you sounded.

He stood there in silence just watching

"Pathetic. I know but what's worse is I have been so afraid of chat blanc coming back that I didn't get my head out of my ass and be the partner you deserve" she paced around the rough as he stood.

"I kept you out of the loop and I deserve to be screamed at by you. You never deserved this. You have the same responsibilities as me and was always everything I needed. I'm sorry"

"You know when I found out that Nino and Alya got to know each other's identity's I was mad. So confused too but, plagg explained that you were the guardian and we were just like your chess pieces. I was going to forgive you. I did for that at least.

But then other things happened. You kept things from me and I just, I can't. It was always us against  the world. The two of us. You always said we could never reveal. So how do you think I reacted to finding out you told ALYA and not me.

I played nice because I was worried about your head but you're fine now. So no matter how hard this may be to do, I have to do it because I don't need this. I don't deserve this. Ya being the hero of Paris is pretty cool but I've almost died. Many many times.

For you a teammate who can't even trust me not to get akumatized." He looked her dead in the eyes tears lining his eyes making his bison blurry.

She sensed what was coming. The thing she had been most worried about. She didn't say anything. Just looked at him waiting for him to continued.

His paused seemed like a lifetime. In reality it was only 30 seconds.

"You know before all this" he chuckled with tears starting to roll down his checks. "I used to love this. It was my escape from my real life responsibilities. My whole personality as chat it's who I really am. I have to always fake in my civilian life." He looked at his ring. "I used to love you. This city. Everything as chat. Sometimes all I'd think about was you. Us. Our future. But" he took a deep breath in.

"I- I can't do this anymore" he said shakily. "I don't want to be chat noir anymore. I'm going to give up my miraculous." A single tear made its way down ladybugs face as they kept eye contact.

"I'm sorry but I can't handle this anymore." He glanced at his ring again. "Uh plagg said he would come bring you my ring tonight so you can find a new chat noir" betrayal written all over her face "why can't you just give me it here"

"I don't want you looking for me in your civilian self I want nothing to do with you" and he meant every single word.


Heyyyyy so don't hate me

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I love seeing the comments

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