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Okok so I'm the next few chapters were going to introduce a new added plot into the mix. I cant wait to write it all out but everything is planned.

"Nothing scares me anymore" -Lana del ray

The next day of classes went by pretty fast for the two teens. Thoughts of the night before filled their heads. Both thinking about the movie night and the events the happened before.

As adrien sat in class he thought about him supposedly being akumatized. He didn't believe it at first. Who could blame him though that's such a huge thing to comprehend.

However as the day continued it made more and more sense. The only thing he didn't get was how he knew her identity. Still he knew he still had to talk to LB about this tonight.

For Marinette she didn't know what to say to the two boys. She was so nervous to talk to chat tonight. Would he believe her. Would he understand where she was coming from. Would he forgive her.

She was also quite nervous to talk to adrien. She fell asleep on him last night. Asleep! She thought her mind had been playing tricks on her but nope it was all. As the final bells rang he packed up his things and walked out the door. Making sure to stop by his locker he saw marinette at hers. He then made the rash discussion to ask her to hangout again he really enjoyed doing so last night.

Walking over to her he set his left hand on the locker next to her open one. Leaning on his arm he said "hey mari" she didn't even need to turn her head knowing it was adrien. "Mari? Since when did you use nicknames' ' she said sweetly but, he could hear the smirk in her voice. "Oh i uh I don't know it's easier" he said flustered, surprised by the tone she talked in.

She turned to him with a smirk because she made the adrien agreste flustered, a thing that he had done so easily to her in the past. "Oh I see. Anyways, what's up?" "I was actually wondering if you wanted to hangout again. Friday?" he asked nervously.

Adrien began to started to notice his feelings which had been growing for her everyday since the incident last weekend with LB. "sounds fun. My place this time?" she said before closing her locker. At this point he decided he didn't need anything and wanted to walk out with her so he walked out the lockers with her. As the neared the entrance of the school they were stopped by alya and nino.

"Hey do you all want to hangout tonight?" This made both teens have to think of excuses since they were meeting as their alter egos tonight.

"Sorry als but I have prior commitments" Marinette winked at Alya which is sorta like a sign to know that she is doing ladybug business tonight. "Gotcha girl adrien what's about you" "hate to say it but I'd rather not third wheel tonight" he chuckled and smiled at himself in his mind proud of his excuse.


Marinette sighed looking up at her clock. Setting down her pencil she looked at her design she had made since she got home today. She got up from her seat and transformed knowing that she had to talk to chat about everything.

She was so scared he wouldn't forgive her. I mean would she forgive him in the same place. It would probably take a lot. She thought to herself before de transforming and grabbing crossiants and passion fruit macaroons which she learned were his favourite once on a patrol.

Re-transforming she went to her balcony and kept into the night. Jumping across many roof tops she got to the place they usually go when they talk to each other randomly and sat down on the edge waiting for chat noir.

After a few minutes she saw him in the distance vaulting over using his baton. When he landed next to her she heard a quiet "hey" escape his lips.

Looking over she pushed a loose piece of hair behind her ear. A habit she picked up when she was nervous "so I know you probably have a lot of questions so go ahead" she said as sympathetic as she could. " first I wanted to say I've come to terms with the fact that I was chat blanc. Sorta" he said slowly lowering his hand for her to grab.

She looked up at him confused but slid her hand into his and slowly stood up. He then walked over to the middle of the flat roof top they were on saying "and the only thing I'm confused about is how." He said never breaking eye contact.

They both slowly sat them selves down legs crossed facing each other. " you know that part I too would like to know" she said quietly but also nervously.

"I also want you to explain. I still don't think that was a good reason to keep things from me" he voice was strong like he wasn't going to leave without an answer. She looked up as her heart sank. Visibly she was fine inside she felt her stress levels go up.

She felt weakly. The kind of feeling you get after not eating all day. She felt shaky. She felt her blood run cold. She had always had this feeling when she was scared, extremely nervous.

Meeting his eyes she began to talk "you know I hate myself for this" she paused "this is extremely hard for me to admit because I'm ashamed I didn't this to you. You have been nothing but perfect. Always there for me. For our team. Your strong. The most trustworthy person I know" she looked down at her lap like it had become the most interesting thing in the world.

"And not even knowing the full story of why you became chat blanc I can tell there was more to it then you knowing my identity. To start as for our identity's, chat blanc was my main reason. Actually what I thought to be my only reason

But that wasn't the case when you told me how you felt I realized that, that too was a reason. The main reason actually I- I had never thought to great of myself outside the mask. I don't really have self confidence so whether you meant it or not. Whether you regret it or do not that's what I think I was most afraid of you thinking." She began fidgeting with her fingers.

"You know I always thought you were this overly confident, bright, smart, cool, gorgeous, badass" he chuckled.

"Well I mean you are quite beautiful and are definitely the most badass I know but my feeling for you I had put you up on a pedestal. Put you above everyone else. Above my happiness. I shouldn't have."

She was waiting for him to say she wasn't worth it. That he didn't take any of it back. Tears began to fill her eyes as her bottom lip trembled. She forced herself to stay strong. She couldn't cry in-front of him.

"But your just a normal human." He looked at her and grabbed her chid lifting it to see her face. He was annoyed she hadn't given him her attention. Well at least showed it. He knew she was listening.

As he saw her teary eyes he realized how hurt she was. No he didn't forgive her. She hadn't even fully finished justifying whatever reasons but, he was still a kind person and she was still human.

Let her chin go he said the next words in the most gentle voice she had ever heard. "You know. I'm sorry. Yes you should be apologizing but I should be too. My words to you were terrible and seeing the affect on you completely breaks my heart. I don't love you anymore but I still care for you. I don't forgive you yet but what I said was disgusting. I'm sorry."

She felt something hit her head but was unsure what so she decided to shake it off and

She then spoke up


I just realized how long this was lol. I'm gonna continue into the next chapter and will possibly get it out tmrw? By Sunday I hope lol

What's wrong with mari?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora