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Hey guys I wrote this one when I was away and it is a few hundred words longer then I usually do. I have been trying to get my chapters longer and longer each time for you all.

Hope you like it. This is more so a filler chapter sorting some feeling out so we understand.

"Could you tell me where you get the nerve" -hurts so good Astrid S

The next day......

The best way to describe this was worse. Everything. Marinettes temper. Her moods, how she acted.

It was practically a cry for help. Lately since her fight with chat she has been doubting herself so much. She didn't really know what to do anymore.

Tikki brought up telling him why she's been hesitant to tell him. She did not want to at first. But the more she thought the better it seemed. Maybe just maybe he would begin to forgive her I mean she did have an okay reason. The world ended for crying out loud.

Next week they had planned to meet and talk things over.

To say Marinette was scared would be an understatement.

At school....

Marinnette came late. She wore a pair of grey sweatpants and a black sweater. Today she left her hair down.

As she walked into the class her friends turned to look at her. When she sat in her seat adrien turned around "your hair looks beautiful down" he said with a smile.

That had made her day.


When I saw Marinette walk in in baggy clothes I couldn't help but wonder why. I mean of course she can wear whatever but she always wears very well put together outfits and looks of dresses and skirts.

I made a note to self to ask her about that later. I had also noticed that she had left her hair down. She looked quite pretty. The way her blackish-blue locks framed her face. The way her hair waved down her shoulders.

Ever since the fight I had with ladybug I began to realize that all my happiness relied on her. She gave me nothing. Weird how that happens. I put her on a pedestal. She's just another humans. She makes mistakes. I don't know if I can forgive this one.

But as I began to move my thoughts away from ladybug I began to notice other people. I was finally able to take notice of how absolutely gorgeous she was. She had really amazing blue eyes. The colour of the ocean. She was short but held herself well.

And if you look closely on her nose you can see these tiny freckles. I love the way her eyes used to sparkle when she was happy or talked about her passions.

But back to the point I decided to tell mari I thought her hair looked good and for a second I say a smile and don't think I missed the way her checks lit up a light pink for a minute.

I decided then and there she was to cute not to ask to hangout. I don't want to rush into anything so maybe I can get to know her better if we hangout alone. Every time we hangout with Nino and Alya as well we end up third and forth wheeling and I don't get chances to talk with Marinette about the things I want to know about her.

During class I would turn around to take a peek at her. I noticed she was usually zoned out with a mix of a sad and annoyed face. I wonder what's with her.

During class I had been thinking of ways to tell chat about his akumatization. I knew I needed to take it easy. I'm glad there haven't been any akumas in the past 2 days. I'm scared to talk to him in the next time  I see him which is in 5 days.

I was going to tell him though.

I had to.

Later that night.....


I was sitting on my bed thinking after a photo shoot. I was thinking about how dumb ladybug was. How could she just leave me out of the group. I don't know how she can earn back my trust. How do I trust someone who doesn't trust me?

Why would she not tell me. Why did they get to know their identity's but not us. Like aren't we the superhero duo? They are just people we call when we need. They don't even own the miraculous'

When plagg saw me thinking too hard he came over and sat on my shoulder. "Hey kid. Why don't you go for a run as chat noir?" Honestly I haven't transformed in a few days and I just wanted to run on the roof tops free from everything. I also knew that ladybug wouldn't be out since our Kwamis and us decided against it for the time being.

"Ok" I said getting off my bed and walking over to my window to open it. I check my watch I have about 35 minutes before anyone will come and check on me so I have time. "Plagg claws out" I transform.

Leaping out of my window I climb from roof to roof. Something about it is just so peaceful. I used to live doing this with Lb but.... You know. She betrayed me.

As I'm running across roof tops I find myself near the school. Knowing that Marinettes house is across from the school I look for it on top of the school. Finding it I leap in that direction.

As I'm close to her balcony I see her on it. Her knees are up to her chest and she's crying. Oh god she was bawling. I knew I had to do something so I jump over to her balcony.

She looks up as if she heard me land and cry's even harder. I lean down onto one knee and reach my arm out to my shoulder. At first she try's to hold back for some reason but then gives up.

She falls into my arms and I wrap them around her. Her face is pressed into my chest and I hear her mumbling "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I'm not good enough" it's so quiet that if I didn't have super hearing I wouldn't have heard.

"Hey princess what are you sorry for? You didn't do anything. What's wrong" I say moving her shoulders so she's about 5 inches away. "I did. Chat you should probably go. You don't wanna talk to me" she chokes out.

Of course I do. Why would she think other wise. I know somethings wrong because lately she's been so different. "Yes I do" I say before pulling her shaking body back into my arms. I just rub her back trying to make her feel better but, it only lasts a minute before she pushes me away realizing that it was me holding her.

Without another word she runs into her house. I could still hear her sobbing and it broke my heart I couldn't help. Maybe she would let me help as adrien. I mean I am a superhero she's probably nervous or embarrassed to be crying in-front of me.

I sigh getting up and take one more look at her balcony before jumping off going back towards my house.


So I wrote this on Thursday and have began editing it. I just want to point out that this is a book. Fictional. So ya maybe some of there reactions aren't how they would be in the show but it's for entertainment purposes.

Also I know some of my sentences don't need periods when I put them but I like to write it like that.

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What's wrong with mari?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt