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So after I published the last chapter I forgot to include the song quote which was supposed to be
"It's always have and never hold you've began to feel like home" -the fray (look after you)

This chapters song quote is

"Say you'll never let me down" - roses

As adrien saw Marinette get picked up by the akuma the only thing on his mind was her safety. He forgot about everything else. It was like how the movies say time freezes. He was frozen only for 5 seconds.

5 seconds which felt like the longest amount of time ever. He didn't move. His eyes fixated on her disappearing figure. The scared look on his face almost sad.

And you could see his heart stopped for a second. If you ask him what he felt during the short period of time he would describe it as cold. As if icey water ran through his blond.

Then he realized he needed to help her. He didn't care he and ladybug decided he'd sit out of battles until they talked. All that mattered was her.

"Plagg claws out" he said. Now transformed he followed the akuma. He didn't know where the akuma could be or what her powers were. He knew he should have waited until he knew what he was dealing with but he sprung into action.

On top of a roof behind them he hid. He then used his baton and extended it from the edge of the roof to directly infront of chloes feet. This resulted in tripping her. As Chloe was falling she let go of Marinette sending her flying in the air.

Chat caught her bridal style and carried her far away. He set her down on the top of the mayors hotel. "Are you okay?" He had asked. By the look on her face you would say she was a mix between shocked, scared and nervous. "I uh I'm okay thanks chat noir" she replied hesitantly. "I got to go a superhero's jobs never over I have other people to save it was nice seeing you."

Chat said this before grabbing marinettes hand and bowing his head to kiss the back of it. He winked at her before jumping onto a nearby roof top.

Marinette was feeling many things at this moment. Shock, fear, confusion and adrenaline. She was confused why chat had transformed when they had both agreed that he wouldn't participate in akuma battles until they talked. She was also confused how he knew Chloe had her.

But she couldn't think about this now she had to go and save everyone. "Tikki spots on" she yelled as her red suit covered her body.

Now that she was transformed she followed in the direction chat had left her in. He must be fighting Chloe right now.

As ladybug jumped from roof to roof she finally saw chat leaping next to him "where's the akuma hidden" she says using all her mental strength to not have a breakdown. She has a job to do she can't freak out about chat right now.

"It's in her sunglasses it's the only part of her that isn't a pure suit." He said his tone was confident but she knew him enough to sense the nervousness in his voice.

"Ok I have a plan" she said. "Oh right I forgot this is how jt is I have to take orders from you. We're not so muhc equals huh" chat says bitterly. "We don't have time for this why did U even get involved today?" Ladybug says while both of them dodge attacks trying to attack Chloe.

Right now clearly wasn't the time or place for this. They can talk after. "Let's just focus on defeating her and if we want to do that listen to me" she says.

"Fine but we are talking after" chat said as he got closer to ladybug. She told him her plan.

She put it into action by trying to trip the akuma using her yo-yo. But, at the last moment she moved her legs jumping.

Reassessing the situation she did the same time quicker successfully griping chloe. As she fell ladybug got on top of her and grabbed her arms so she would be unable to move. This left the perfect space for chat noir to come over and cataclysm her sunglasses. She quickly called her lucky charm so she would be able to fix everything.

As the akuma flew out the broken glasses ladybug purified the butterfly making it a regular one again. She did a quick miraculous ladybug and signalled chat to follow her into an alleyway.

"What are you doing here" she said in a slightly worried tone. Chat noir glanced at her not guilty for the previous events that took place less then a week ago. "I thought we agreed you wouldn't take part in battles until we talked." She spoke confidently which was only a front. Inside she was panicking trying to hold herself together.

Chat noir didn't speak a word. "Look we need to talk and I can't do that alone." "Chat I'm sorry. For everything. Not including you keeping you out of the loop it was wrong of me. But it was also wrong of you to say all of those things to me. No matter how much I deserved it." Her voice nearly cracked at the end thinking of all the horrible things he said. "It really hurt me" he looked at her hiding the slight guilt he felt hearing that it hurt her.

"You did deserve it. Maybe I should have said it out loud but I don't care that's how I feel. he looked at her angered. "Wow here we go again. You know I didn't need you to come out here today. We agreed that you wouldn't help until we talked. Look at the result we're fighting again and" "here we go again? I'm just saying how I feel. You saying shit like that is absolute bullshit and you know it. We are partners for a reason you do need me. We should be equals but here I am listening to you saying you don't need me"

"It's always you clearly I am just a sidekick to you. You said it yourself you don't need me" he looked at her dead in the eyes. "What we're you even doing here" she asked. "If you care so much I say Chloe grab Marinette. The girl who helped me with a battle once. So I didn't sit around seeing someone in danger. I didn't give a fuck if you were going to be there because she's an innocent amazing person."

"If only you knew you wouldn't be saying those words" "huh" chat questioned. "Never mind but my transformation is about to wear off as yours is and we still need to talk so turn around." "How do you know I'm not going to look I mean it's clear as day you don't trust me." He said. "Chat just turn around.

As they let there transformations go they quickly fed their Kwamis and transformed back. "So plagg said you had some reason as to why you won't let us know our identities but let Alya and Nino"

"Chat you might wanna sit down for this one" she said grabbing his shoulder gently and sitting him down on the ground before sitting beside him.

"You we're alumatized"

Dontttt hate me please.

This is kinda short to me just because it didn't really have that much interesting happening but I'm working on the next chapter as I'm publishing this one it should be out in 2 days.

What's wrong with mari?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora