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Ok so currently writing this and editing it because my games are taking forever to update :(

I'm also waiting for wishmaker to come out


"We'll laugh until our ribs get tired" -Lorde

"What do you mean, I think I would have Remembered that" chat snickered thinking this was her idea of a joke. "It's true chat you we transformed into chat blanc" she stared out into the wall in-front of her with an emotionless face. It was now or never she had to tell him right? As she told him the events that took place and everything she knew he couldn't believe it. There was no way it was real. Right?

What do you even do when no matter what you say someone doesn't believe you. Wither it was lack of trust from previous encounters or the fact he didn't want to think he could be such a monster.

But chat kept telling himself she was lying that there was no way he could be alumatized. He was to strong for that.

But what happens when your not. When you realize you weren't the strong guy after all. You were nothing but extra work made for your partner.

What happens when your whole perception of yourself and your partner who you have convinced yourself is not the good person you thought she was.

Most of all how do you accept the fact that you've been a villain to your very own city your fight so hard to protect.

Endless thoughts

This was what was going though chats mind as ladybug told him the story of him being akumatized. He still didn't want to believe it. He was ashamed even if it was an Alternate time line.

But the more she told him the more it mad sense.

How she had assumed they broke up due to the words chat blanc had yelled to her.

"I knew your identity" he said in disbelief as the story of chat blanc neared the end. "Yes you did which is why we can't know" she sighs.

"Trust me I know this is a lot to take in and I'm not sure if you ask plagg he would be able to talk about it. I don't know how alternate timelines work. But if you want I can give you some time to think and we can meet again tomorrow" she reached her hand out to his shoulder. All this time he stared in disbelief. "I also know that this doesn't make up
For how I treated you and I'll get to that next time we see each other."

She then stood up and put out her hand for him to grab. "I'll always be here for you your my partner but I do think it's best if we talk another time once you've had time to think" she says pulling him up before zipping away on roof tops.

Then he snapped back into reality Marinette. She would be waiting for him. He got to his house as fast as possible and opened his front door. He saw Marinette sitting on the steps. "Hey I was waiting for you haha" she slightly laughed.

Adrien didn't waste anytime running over to her and hugging her so tight she could barely breathe. "Uh Adrien I I can't breathe" she said quietly. He let go stepped back with his hands on her shoulders. "Are you okay. Are you hurt. I was so scared for you when you got taken by the akuma" he said worried. She just chuckled "I'm fine you idiot now let's go inside and play video games.

They walked up the stairs on their way to his room. As they walked Marinette couldn't shake the coldness of the building.

Not the temperature but the aura. It was lonely, silent, dark and something else she couldn't make out. Evil maybe?

When they finally entered she looked around it had been quite awhile since she was last in his room. She had been in it a few times to work on school projects and one or two group hangouts.

They made there way over to his couch which is seated facing his tv and gaming system. They sat there for a second before Marinette spoke up. "So do you wanna play ultimate mega strike 3" he didn't answer.

She noticed he was staring at the tv with a pained expression on his face. She reached a hand out on his knee and her other hand on his shoulder.

Worry filled her eyes as he wouldn't answer. "Adrien are you okay" he finally snapped out of whatever trance he was in.

During this time he was thinking about him being chat blanc. There was no way. Right? How could he have gotten akumatized. Was ladybug making it up. She wouldn't do that he thought.

He looked at Marinette seeing her worry. "Sorry I was just thinking about something someone told me nothing to worry about." He smiled at her. The smile she had fallen in love with.

He turned on the system and tv and loaded the game. They both got ready to play. It had been quietuntil Adrien said "I've been practicing your going down" and laughed. This filled the air with a fun and light vibe.

They joked and joked and had an amazing time. Marinette had won two game and Adrien had won one. The both decided that they should stop playing and decided to put on a movie.

That was over an hour and a half ago. This is how Natalie adriens father's assistant found Marinette cuddled up to adrien's side. Sharing a blanket between the two both teens fast asleep.

When they had started the movie Marinette grew tired after some time. Everyone knew Marinette could never stay awake during movies.

And Adrien was betting on this. He knew she would fall asleep and he was hoping she would fall asleep on him. The thought had made his heart race.

So when she actually did fall asleep and cuddled into the side of him he grabbed a blanket and covered the two of them. Then he dozed off as well.

This left Natalie to enter the room around 10:30 saying it was time for Marinette to go home. Hesitantly she woke up the two teens. With groans from the sleepyheads she laughed to herself.

"It's time for your friend to go home" she gave Adrien a knowing smirk since after all she did just find the two of them snuggled up together. Adrien let out a long hard sigh he then turned to Marinette "my driver can drive you home and I'll come and keep you company" he said with the sweetest smile ever.

"Are you sure" she asked back afraid to be a burden to anyone. "Of course. There is no way I'm letting you walk home this late. It's not problem really" she smiled and gave him a hug before both teens got up.

Walking to his car adrien sped walk in front of her so he could open the door for her and said "lady's first" "you dork" she said. She used to joke like this with chat. It surprised her though that she hadn't fainted due to the sweet act.

If this happens weeks  ago she would have been a puddle of goo but she loves the playful atmosphere they have now.

"Thanks adrien" she took a seat and he slid next to her.

On the way to her house they kept up playful banter and when the reached her house adrien got out of the car with her and walked her to the door. "Goodnight Marinette. tonight was really fun, we should do it again" he chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. " we should totally and thank you so much for having me." With that she stood on her tip toes and planted a kiss on his check.

It wasn't anything long a quick peck before she walked in her door. Which left one blushing mess we call adrien.



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