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Hey everyone so I wrote this like right now being like 12:30 am. Sorry if it's poorly edited.


4:30 pm Wednesday night

Marinette sat at her desk finishing her homework. This was typical around this time because when she would get home every day she would watch tv and do chores until about 4, when she began her homework.

As she finished up essay draft for English she picked up her phone to see a few missed texts and the time.
As she saw that it was 4:30 she didn't really panic. Normally if she were to hangout with adrien even in large groups she would take at least two hours to get ready making sure everything was perfect. But as she sat there she didn't bat an eye. She didn't really care right now.

She didn't feel the need to go overboard because if chat was right she wasn't good enough for anyone. She began thinking about that before tikki noticed. She had been good at realizing when marinette was zoned out like that she was either thinking bad about herself, or about what chat said.

Zooming over to her face tikki slapped it with her little hand nub arms whatever they were to snap her out of thought. "Ow" Marinette hissed in pain for a small being she was quite powerful. "Stop that" tikki yelled in her face. "Stop what I'm not doing anything" tikki gives her a 'you have got to be kidding' me look. "You are overthinking again. You really need to stop that. Now check your messages they could be important" she scolds.

At times like this Marinette was glad she had tikki around she was always able to help her out. She kept her on the right track. Distracted her a lot too but it was s worth it.

Picking up her phone once again she went into message.

Alya [4:07 pm] : hey girl why did I hear from Nino your hanging out with adrien :( why don't you tell me anything? Are you sure your fine?

Adrien <3  [4:20 pm] : how do you feel about video games and a movie when we hang? Lmk.

Maman [4:23 pm] : your dad and I are going out for dinner tonight if you go anywhere text us.

Sighing Marinette scratched her head. She didn't feel like dealing with Alya right now but she knew she had to anwser.

Marinette [4:34 pm] : sorry about that not feeling the best these past few days. Didn't mean for you to hear it from him.

She was happy she texted her but now had to anwser Adrien.

Marinette [4:34pm] : sounds super fun can't wait!

She decided to not over do a text and without a second thought sent it. Finally she answered her mom.

Marinette [4:35 pm] : ok I'm going to adriens for 6

Sighing putting her phone down she went to her kitchen to grab a snack. When she got to her kitchen she grabbed a glass a filled it with water. Walking to her fridge being the clumsy girl she was she almost tripped. She was able to catch herself but not without spilling some water on herself.

"You have got to be kidding me" Marinette said to herself as she shivered from the cold water on her clothes. "Now I have to change. I like what I was wearing it was comfy" she said to no one but herself.

This was quite normal for Marinette. That being talking to herself when no one was around. She slowly dragged herself up to her bedroom and changed into a pink cropped tank top and sweatpants with a colour between white and light grey.

She looked at herself in the mirror and was happy with it. She went back downstairs to clean up her mess. Then she got another cup of water.

Looking at the time it was 4:42. Knowing she didn't have to leave her house until 5:40 she walked over to her couch and turned on the tv.

She began watching it until she came to the realization that she needed to eat before going. She went downstairs into the bakery and grabbed a croissant that had been made before her parents left. She then turn on an element on her stove and mad an egg.

She put egg and cheese in her croissant to make it a little more filling. She didn't want to go to her friends on and empty stomach and who knew if they would even eat there. She knew Adrien never ate much at home.

After she finished eating she looked at her clock to see she had about ten minutes before she had to leave. She ran into her bathroom doing one last check of herself. She still had feeling for the guy she wasn't about to go over looking dumb.

Still happy with herself she grabbed her purse and grabbed a few cookies for tikki just incase she was hungry. She then slid on her shoes walking out the door and locking it.

She began walking down the street. She decided to walk through the park even though it was a few extra minutes. She didn't care. She loved how it looked at this time. It was absolutely gorgeous.

As she got closer and closer to adriens house she began to feel a chill run down her spine. Shaking the feeling that something was about to happen she reached his front gate.

She rang the door bell when the camera popped out. "Who is it?" She heard Natalie say. "It's marinette adrien and I are hanging out tonight" she spoke sweetly. "Ok he's waiting at the door.

Just then the gate opened as did the front door. Marinette walked through the gate and began walking to the steps in front of adriens door when suddenly she saw a blast of like and then and explosion to her left.

Looking in the direction it came from she was face to face with an akumatized victim. "Looks like I'm not the only one with mommy issues now. Got your mom on the way over" the akuma cackled.

Quickly think she realized it was Chloe. Chloe then grabbed Marinette and started to jump away. That's when Adrien knew it didn't matter he had previously decided to not transform Marinette needed him.

- an

I meant to write about her being at adriens in this chapter but I didn't want to over pack the chapter.

Thanks for reading as always let me know your thoughts

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