Chapter 33

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The bell for the shift change rang through the ship, waking Pepper and Vanessa up for the next day of their mission. As always, they each reveled in the feel of waking up tangled in the limbs of their partner, and they snuck in a few kisses before leaving the bunk. There was no better way to start the day.

"I wish I was staying here with you," Pepper murmured into Nessa's hair while they snuggled under the blanket.

"Me too, but I'm not sure how much help I'd be to Emily if you were around. You do know you're very distracting!" Hands were gently moving, touching, caressing, teasing each other as they dreaded the morning start.

"I'm going to be bored to tears. Maybe Miles will do some exploring with me, but I'm not staying with your father and Brody."

"Miles would be good with that, I'm sure." Vanessa stretched under the blanket, not that she needed to, but every morning that she did, Pepper couldn't keep from latching on to the newly exposed nipples that emerged from the blanket. Sure enough, a searing hot tongue encircled her left nipple as soon as it was free from the confining blanket. As always, the touch of Pepper's mouth drew a gasp from her, and a longing for more. "You know, after today we can spend a lot more time in bed like this. I bet Emily would be fine with us having breaks while Brody and my father are out doing whatever they're going to do."

"Mmmm, I like the sound of that," Pepper mumbled while her lips and tongue switched over to the other nipple.

"Well then stop that and go make the day end quicker!" Vanessa commanded while trying to suppress a moan.

Pepper sucked harder, sliding a hand down to grip Nessa's ass and pull her hips into her own. "You really want me to go?"

Vanessa's mind swam with memories of the previous evening, and the desire to relive it over and over. Right now, if possible. But she also knew that they had to get through this last day to keep her father off their back. The way things were going though, he would be upset all the way back to Earth anyway.

"No, I very much don't want you to go. I want you to keep doing that forever. But we have to be patient Honey."

Pepper sighed, and finally released the nipple, then quickly planted her lips on Nessa's, their bodies pressed close together as she entangled her legs into her partner's. Looking down into her stunning hazel eyes, Pepper was almost lost once again, so happy to be here in the arms of the woman she loved. Her breath caught for a moment at that thought, she'd never told Vanessa how strong her feelings were, though she knew that there was love between them just in the way the treated each other in every aspect of their relationship.

"Nessa, I don't know why I've never said this before, but I love you, so, so much. I should have told you ages ago, but I thought we'd been showing it in other ways I guess," she whispered down into the smile of the other.

"I knew you loved me, and I hope you know how much I love you too Pepper. You've been in my heart for months, and I can't wait to make you mine many times over," Nessa whispered back, before softly kissing Pepper and nibbling lightly on her lip. "I know that this isn't the best way to discuss it, or mention it, but I have every intention of marrying you when we get home, there just isn't a jeweler anywhere around here."

"Well, then in anticipation of that moment, I have every intention of saying yes," Pepper rolled over and flipped the two of them back into the air of the cabin, lips still together regardless of the giggles that they couldn't hold in.

"Come on, let's get this day going and we'll celebrate tonight," Vanessa suggested, while playfully smacking Pepper on the ass.

"Oh? Spank and run? I guess I know what we'll be trying tonight!" Pepper smirked over at Nessa who immediately broke into a strong blush.

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