Chapter 5

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"Good morning everyone. I know this is all short notice, but for those of you who are selected I hope that it will all be worth it," Anton announced through the small microphone to the thirty people crowded into the small amphitheater located in the bowels of the PASSpace office basement. "First things first, you're all qualified for the mission that we're going to be undertaking, but at the same time the mission has certain limitations that might make you not want to consider it. Let me be clear, if you find the limitations too strenuous, then you can leave here with no prejudice, and we'll still cover your travel and per diem for the trip."

There was a lot of whispering throughout the room. Many of the candidates knew each other from previous missions or shared work experiences, and they could tell immediately that this wouldn't be a standard mission.

"So, the first limitation is that we're taking off on the mission within the next seven to ten days," Anton continued, though he paused at the shocked muttering that once more spread through the room. "If you cannot commit to leaving in that time frame, or you cannot pass a physical within that time frame, then I would ask that you leave now."

Only three people stood and left. Vanessa was seated next to her father at a table with Pepper and Jason and hadn't been shocked that three people left. All the candidates had signed non-disclosure agreements, but they all knew that word would get out sooner or later. But with the photo available to other agencies, it was just a matter of time anyway. While the majority of these candidates would be prepared for a mission at all times and maintained themselves in a physically and mentally fit fashion, there could always be a factor that would preclude them from leaving the planet within ten days. The next one would cause the most to leave though.

"All right, the next limitation is time. This mission will have you off planet for between ten and twelve years," Anton's eyes raked over the audience as he saw many wide-open eyes and mouths. This was the risky part, where he had to hope there would be enough qualified people left after the announcement. "This is non-negotiable. There will be no way to have a crew change during the mission."

A dozen people stood up to leave immediately, walking slowly to the exit, no doubt many were people with families that wouldn't want to be apart from them. It was more than understandable and was expected. Vanessa double checked the count in the audience, they still had fourteen left. One more must have slipped out without her noticing. On the good side, they only needed five, since Pepper was already on the crew. But there was still the matter of making sure they had all the different specialties that were needed, and that their psych profiles indicated that they could mesh. A ten-year mission could bring out differences that a six-month mission didn't.

Once everyone who was leaving had done so, Anton surveyed the audience once more. "So, before we go any further, does anyone have any questions that they need answers to? I would prefer not to have anyone here who has reservations."

"When will we find out the mission?" a young woman with short blonde hair called out.

"You will find out the exact mission parameters once we are aboard the space station and in final preparations for departure. The secrecy of the mission itself is paramount," Anton answered calmly. The blonde nodded, and stayed seated, while two others stood up and left at that point. They were down to a dozen.

"If we're gone for that long, I assume you'll have people covering things like our taxes, rent, mortgages and such?" Asked a burly man with close cropped red hair.

"We absolutely will. Depending on your situation we will either pay off your mortgage, or help you put your belongings in paid storage and terminate leases. No sense in paying for something you don't need," Anton assured them, getting a dozen nods in reply.

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