Chapter 14

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Water was a precious resource onboard the ship, with people relegated to taking military showers once every three days. That was where you got only enough water to get your body and hair wet, then soap up and then a bit more water to rinse. It saved a lot of water, but it wasn't the most relaxing of showers. It helped that the shower water floated around in mid-air while you washed, but it still wasn't the best. After the workout of the excursion, everyone was lining up for one though. Each bunk pod had its own small shower stall, so the lines weren't too bad. Pepper had seen Miles and Lena walking towards their pod, hand in hand and their bodies constantly in contact, and wondered if the two of them could fit into the shower together. She didn't think it was likely, Miles was too tall and wide.

But Nessa wasn't, Pepper realized as her face turned crimson. She had spent so much time with her friend over the last few years that she had become jaded to just how attractive she was. Having her sleep with her every night had turned into something that she looked forwards to almost as much as seeing the new planet, and that was saying quite a bit. The kiss on the cheek earlier had been a big step for her. Nessa would kiss the back of her neck as they lay in bed, but Pepper had never initiated any kissing.

It felt amazing.

It made her want more.

Maybe she had finally found someone she wanted to be with! It was a strange feeling, all these emotions. Her fears had made her wait years now with Nessa on the ship, mostly worried about how she would be able to survive the rest of the trip in such close quarters if she were rejected. But Nessa made her feel safe, made her feel as though nothing could come between them. Even if they weren't willing to put a label on their relationship, they supported and cared for each other daily in a way that Pepper couldn't imagine with another person.

She was always the shy one. She knew Nessa was waiting on her to be comfortable, taking baby steps all the way to Uranus because she knew they had time to be together. But what if they were missing out on something even more wonderful? Nessa was already so much a part of Pepper's life that she couldn't imagine her not being there when she woke up now that they had been sharing the bed. If they were able to keep moving forward, perhaps they could find something as magical as the view out the window.

Her mind was spinning when they entered their bunk pod and closed the hatch. "Do you want to shower first?" She heard Nessa ask. She replied with a simple nod, and slowly started stripping off her sweatpants and tee shirt, knowing that Nessa would turn her back to give her privacy. A routine that they had been following since the beginning of the journey.

She slipped her clothes into a net bag for cleaning and then opened the panel to the shower. She had to try to take another step. "Nessa?" She called out, turning towards her. "Can you help me with something?"

Vanessa looked over her shoulder, her mouth dropping open as she took in the sight of Pepper's naked body. "Uhh.... I mean, I um... What was the question?" she stammered.

Pepper pushed off and glided towards her; the magnetic boots were laying on the floor, so nothing held her down. Vanessa turned towards her and caught her around the waist. Pepper hugged Nessa tight, pressing her body into Nessa's. Nessa distracted herself by running hands up and down Pepper's bare back. "Think you could wash my back for me?" Pepper asked shyly.

Vanessa pulled back, not understanding what had come over Pepper. She was trying not to get too excited. This was no longer one small step, but a giant leap for their relationship. "Are you sure? I didn't think you were ready?"

"I don't know how far I want to go," Pepper admitted, burying her face in Nessa's neck. "But I know I want you to see me, and I want to see you. All of you. I want to touch you. I don't want to keep being afraid. Can we see if we can fit in the shower together?"

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