Chapter 17

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"I could get used to this," Pepper sighed, snuggling into Nessa's chest, and lightly running her fingers in circles over her back. "I never used to be a morning person, but if I get to wake up next to you like this then I might switch my view."

Vanessa looked down into her hazel eyes with a smile. "We might be late to work a lot though," she pointed out as her fingers slid over Pepper's belly, making her shiver in excitement.

"Hey, don't get me started!" Pepper complained. "You know I can't say no!"

"Well, then say yes to moving in with me when we get back home."

"Seriously? You'd want that?" Pepper asked, startled.

Nessa nodded at her with a goofy grin. "Yeah, I would. I think things are only going to get better between us on this trip, and if that is the case, I'd want you to live with me."

"I want to say yes," Pepper answered with a smile of her own. "But you have to ask later, before bed."

"I do? Why?" Vanessa asked in confusion.

"Because if I say yes now, I'm going to want to celebrate with a lot of sex, and I know we're supposed to have another busy day," Pepper explained while sliding her hands down to Nessa's ass and pulling their hips together. "I'm sure you don't want your dad to come in here to kick us out of bed while we're otherwise occupied."

Vanessa shivered at the thought. "Ew, no, I don't want that. I'll ask again later. But it is a relief that you'll say yes."

"Why would you be relieved? You still have almost five years to talk me into it," Pepper pointed out.

"True. But here is the thing. When we were back planning the mission Earth, I really wanted to ask you out. Obviously, there was no time for that before we left, but I really liked you, and I thought you liked me too."

"I did! I do!" Pepper interrupted.

"I could kind of tell that now Honey," Nessa gave her a quick peck. "But back then I was just hoping to win you over on the trip. So, when we were putting everyone's stuff into storage, I might have accidentally had the moving company put all your stuff at my place just in case it worked."

Pepper looked at Nessa in shock. "You really liked me that much? Even then?"

"I did, I just had a feeling ever since I met you that you were this amazing and beautiful woman, and I knew that with ten years together I could have a chance to start a relationship that could get to the moving in stage by the time we got home."

"Well shit, now I feel horrible. If I had my own head in order, we could have been doing this years ago!" Pepper moped.

"Don't be upset with yourself. If we rushed it, then maybe we wouldn't feel what we feel now. We're in a great place, and I think we're a lot more secure in our relationship this way." Vanessa assured her with kisses all over her face to make sure there was no sadness.

"Obviously. But we have to make up for a lot of lost time though," Pepper said in mock seriousness. "You've turned me into a sex addict. I'm fairly sure nobody packed a patch for that, so you'll have to be my dealer."

"Well then maybe we'll have to open Lena's box of toys and see what else we can try," whispered Nessa huskily.

"Oh, fuck," Pepper moaned in anticipation. "Alright, we have to get up or I'm going to never let you leave."

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