The Crimson Claymore: Chapter 1

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*A/N: If you have read my novel, The Crimson Claymore and enjoy the story, I need your help. I am beginning my career as a published author. I NEED reviews on Amazon & Goodreads. If you like this story, PLEASE REVIEW IT ON AMAZON & GOODREADS!! I need reviews on Amazon & Goodreads. I need readers to be able to trust me, and for that I need reviews. PLEASE THE MAGE AND THE FRECKLED FROG, DIAMONDS UNDER A HICKORY TREE, AND THE CRIMSON CLAYMORE on Amazon & Goodreads!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I'm trying to start my career as an author, but readers who don't know me won't take a chance on me if I don' t have reviews to back me up. I love you guys, and will continue to release my unedited stuff here before publishing for money. I will always be looking for beta readers and reviewers. If you cannot afford to buy my stuff, I will give you free copies of my new releases in exchange for an honest review on AMAZON & GOODREADS. Let me know. If you can support me by buying, please do. I really want to write full time and I need your help. This is only a 10% sample as allowed by Amazon to post for free. If you can't afford to buy a copy, but wish to read the complete novel, consider becoming a beta reader or part of my street team. Thank you for reading!

Chapter 1

Searon's claymore was in his hands, glowing red, sparkling as he twirled it about to deflect blows from axes all around him. And yet, even as he defended himself against the black-scaled reptilian draeyks, the blazing orange eyes he saw in his dreams the night before were still the only thing on his mind. He felt as if those eyes were watching him still, and he could almost swear to have seen them through the thick forest enveloping him. Three draeyks lay dead on the ground. The stench of distilled vinegar and rotten eggs brought an awful taste in his mouth, taking away the scent of pine that he treasured so much.

Only two of the creatures remained, both cunning warriors but frightened at his skill with a blade. He didn't understand why he was having such a hard time killing the savage creatures. For the past three years, Searon had been slaughtering a few each and every day, yet it never seemed like it would be enough. There was only one of him, and there seemed to be thousands of the wretched creatures. Sometimes, it felt as if they would never be destroyed but would keep coming back to haunt him in his nightmares.

He charged the two draeyks in front of him, focusing all of his rage for the creatures. Anger bled from Searon's veins to his clenched fists, passing through them and into his claymore as it grew brighter and brighter, with such ferocity that it cast a crimson gleam to his weapon that was nearly blinding, even to himself. Searon's blade only glowed while being used, almost appearing as if it was on fire. The crimson claymore was cool to the touch, but its steel was harder than any other sword, and if Searon pushed it a certain way it could fracture any other metal it came to contact with. Each of the creatures blocked his incoming strikes with so much precision that it baffled him. He tried changing the degree at which he slashed the blade, but the attempt seemed even more useless than what he was doing before. A flash of orange stole his attention as he looked into the oak trees beyond. Before he even heard the click of the crossbow, he felt the searing heat of a bolt puncturing his left shoulder. Gritting his teeth over a shout of pain, Searon tried to shake off the tingling burn that was running through his veins. He stepped forward, ready to finish off the bloodthirsty beasts.

Now three stood in front of him, two with axes held high, and another, farther back, with a crossbow in its grasp. He stood calm, teeth bared, soaked by raindrops under a blanket of storm clouds while thunder rattled the ground around him. His boots felt slick against the wet leaves and mud, yet he held his ground. He took a step back and sheathed his claymore in its scabbard. The two creatures in front rushed at him now that he was weaponless. He quickly ducked and leaped away from them as the third, with a crossbow, locked a bolt into place.

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