Charaters/ Falling

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  That morning Fawn was woken by someone whistling. Groaning in tiredness and pain from sleeping again on the floor, she cracked open her sleep-crusted eyes.

  The whistler had heard the noise and turned to see what it was. "Who are you?" the person asked in a mixture of suspicion and concern.

  Fawn pulled herself off the ground and faced the man who looked like an older Charlie Weasley, "Fawn Briggs." She introduced herself. "And you are?"

The man took her hand in puzzlement but introduced himself nevertheless. "Arthur Weasley."

  Fawn shook her head. This was not possible. The Arthur Weasley she knew was nearly fifty, this man looked no older than thirty. How?
Did the Weasley's have another cousin or relative that was also named Arthur?

  She raked her brain through the hundreds of conversations she'd shared with Ron about his family but nothing came to mind. Only a Great-Aunt Muriel, Uncle Billius, Uncle Fabian, Uncle Gideon, Grandpa Septimus, Grandma Cedrella, Great-Uncle Ignatius, Great-Aunt Lucretia, Aunt Tessie, and a distant squib cousin accountant. Not to mention his myriad of siblings. And yet no other Arthur was mentioned of being on either side of his family lineage.


  Fawn was broken from her thoughts as she looked back at the man who had yet to get a response from her.

"Oh sorry. Erm, nice to meet you. D'you think you could help me?"

Arthur smiled. "Of course how can I help?"

"Erm I need to get to Hogwarts, and I'm not of age yet to use magic outside of school so..."

Arthur's smile got wider if possible. "I'd love to help you get back!" he exclaimed. "My shift doesn't start till eight and it's only half-seven right now. I've plenty of time."

  With that, Fawn followed Arthur over to the nearby Floo station and copied him with ease as he called out, "Headmaster Dumbledore's office, Hogwarts!"

  The flames swallowed her up as she sped past dozens of homes and offices before stopping abruptly in the fireplace of the Hogwarts Headmasters office. 

Dumbledore was already there, conversing with Arthur as if it were any other Saturday morning—Well to him supposedly it was.
His blue eyes twinkled as he spotted Fawn, who was trying to brush the soot off her already battle-damaged uniform.

She looked up as she felt a pulling on her mind; Harry had mentioned that Dumbledore was a Legillimence and she certainly did not like the idea of having someone read her thoughts.

She met his eyes in determination. "Excuse me Professor, but if you could not read my mind that would be delightful."

Dumbledore grinned softly and raised an eyebrow at her, as the pushing and pulling sensation faded away. "Very well, miss Briggs."

  Now it was her turn to raise an eyebrow at him in suspicion. He simply nodded at her softly.

"Thank you Mr. Weasley. Tell Molly and the kids hello for me."

Arthur grinned, said "Will do," and was gone fast as he'd come.

  Fawn felt the Headmasters' eyes on her once again. "What?" she asked, feigning innocence though she truly was innocent. She certainly had not planned whatever it was that had happened.

  "What brings you here?"

"The Floo Network."

Dumbledore's eyes never failed to stop sparkling in amusement as if this happened all the time, it unnerved her. "Do you have a mission?"

The Truth Behind the Veil ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz