Chapter 5. Inklusive

Start from the beginning

I pick out a long-sleeved striped shirt that's super-duper comfy. It almost feels like pajamas. I also threw on some skinny jeans that had holes on the knees with white sneakers.

Maybe I can get a stuffie today and some candy!!!

I look at the time and it's 11:30pm.

Okay, quick snack and then she will be here.

I pull some cookies out of the pantry and start munching.

Oreos are freaking amazing.

After eating ten Oreos my tummy is stuffed, and I'm slightly nauseous.

"You look pretty today princess." Daddy James comments.

I feel my cheeks turn a little pink. Aww I'm pretty.

"Thank you, daddy." I give him a shy hug.

His arms wrap around my body, and he kisses the top of my head.

"Here princess. Buy anything you want." Daddy James says handing me a card.

Anything? All the candy? All the kittens? All the stuffies? Best. Day. Ever.

I take the card and kiss it.

"Hey, those are my kisses." Daddy James boops my nose.


Don't boop my nose.

Wait Daisy. Be a good girl or they might not let you go.

I hold in my argument and stop my eyes from rolling to the back of my head. It's harder than it seems.

Pulling me out of my thoughts I hear a car honking from outside. It must be Lauren.

"You have your phone, right?" Daddy James asks.

I nod and head towards the door.

I smile when I see her car. I've missed her. Her bouncy red hair, counting her scattered freckles, all of her.

"Hey Lauren!" I smile jumping in the passenger seat of her car.

"Hey girly!" She leans over and gives me a quick hug.

On the way to the mall, we talk about a bunch of random things. Her high school graduation, how her car broke down when she went to go see a boy she liked, my love for candy, and we even talked a little about why I stopped going to school.

I told her I didn't want to go anymore, which isn't a lie. I hated school.

She parks in a parking spot, and we walk through the main doors.

This mall is so pretty.

"Where to first?" She asks.

I take a minute to think about it.

"What about clothes?" I ask.

A wide smile plays on her lips.

"A girl after my own heart." Her hand lays across her chest.

I giggle, she's a silly goose.

We walk into a clothing store called 'Flair'.

I follow Lauren through the store while running my fingers through the clothes.

After an hour in this store, we go to pay for our things.

I buy a sparkly necklace with a couple shirts.

I don't exactly know how to shop for clothes by myself but I'm trying and that's all that matters.

"Want a tattoo or piercing?" She asks out of nowhere.

Daisy's Daddies, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now