The Proposal and Wedding

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This is the last part everybody thank you

Touya had asked his mom for help on how to ask Keigo and where to get some good rings. This had to be perfect, because he wanted him to know how much he meant to him.

When Keigo was leaving for work he acted like it was a normal day, He told him to come home change then meet him outside.

Hawks/Keigo- "Okay... what's the occasion?"

Dabi/Touya- "Never you mind yet just go to work"

Hawks/Keigo- "Okay I'll see you later love you, love you to Tori"

Dabi/Touya- "Say bye bye to dada"

Dabi made her wave to Hawks and they headed inside, Touya put her in her playpen as he dyed his hair and got ready to go out.

He headed down to the jewellers on the mall, he had picked out a ring a while ago he just hoped it was still there. It was a gold ring with little red rubys along the middle.

He hoped out of the car (Yes he finally learnt how to drive) and got Hitori out. He carried her through the mall and up a flight until they stood outside of the jewellers.

Dabi/Touya- "Are we going to get a ring for your dada?"

He looked down at his gorgeous little girl, her bright cyan eyes sparkled like the diamonds around him.

?- "Hello can I help you?"

Dabi turned to see the owner of the store at the counter, he was a old man in his late seventies with gray hair

Dabi/Touya- "Ah yes I'm looking for a ring for my boyfriend"

Jeweler- "A proposal?"

Dabi/Touya- "Yeah"

Jeweler- "You seen anything you like?"

Dabi/Touya- "Yeah actually a week or so sho I saw this gold ring with some red stones, do you still have that in stock?"

Jeweler- "Oh yes I saw that you had taken a liking to that ring it's in the back I'll get it now"

Dabi/Touya- "Thank you"

The old man went behind the counter into some sort of storage area and came out holding a little black box.

Jeweler- "Here it is, do you know if it's the right size?"

Dabi/Touya- "No but I brought one of his other rings for comparison"

As Dabi was Measuring the sizes the jeweler was talking to the baby.

Jeweler- "So your the pro hero Hawks' boyfriend?"

Dabi/Touya- "Yeah"

Jeweler- "Must be a nightmare always getting mobbed"

Dabi/Touya- "Well actually most of the time where left alone"

Jeweler- "Perks of having a Ex-Villian as a partner"

Dabi/Touya- "Yeah"

The thing was the right size so he bought it and thanked the jewler, they walked through the mall a bit more grabbing groceries and stuff they needed. By the time they arrived home it was almost lunch.

Dabi got Hitori some baby food and cooked himself a cheese grilled sandwich.

When Keigo hot home he did as Touya said, he took a shower got dressed and met him outside.

Touya drove them around for a while before stopping in what seemed like the middle of nowhere, once they got out they flew to the top of a building.

This was the same place they went to for their first date, Keigo watched the street light and house lights flick on just as it turned dark. It was as beautiful as the first time he saw it, he heard Touya moving beside him.

As he looked over he saw him down on one knee holding up a ring to him.

Dabi/Touya- "Keigo ever since I first saw you i knew that you where an idiot, but will you do me the honour of becoming my idiot?"

Keigo felt his eyes water as he looked down at Touya the tears following closely after.

Hawks/Keigo- "Yes!"

Dabi got off his knee and hugged him tight while hugging there little baby. Touya gave Keigo a kiss, filled with neither want or lust, but affection and love.

Touya arranged everything and when the wedding day rolled around, everybody was there. Toga, Shigaraki, Oboro, Miruko, Endeavor, Rei, Natsuo, Fuyumi and even Keigo's mother.

"You may kiss the groom!"

Touya kissed his newlywed husband on the lips passionately and carried him down the aisle bridle style.

The party was absolutely crazy there was so much noise and laughter there was never a second if silence.

When the party was over and done and everybody headed home.

Touya Todoroki, Hitori Todoroki and Keigo Todoroki all headed down to the beach to enjoy some time together and their little girl.

Thank you so much for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed .

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