Bowling with the trauma crew

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Dabi/Touya- "What was that bird brain?"

Keigo rolled his eyes and gave an exaggerated sigh.

Hawks/Keigo- "I SAID, today is going to be fun"

Dabi/Touya- "Well we'll see wont we"

Hawks/Keigo- "we flying over or are we waiting for Fuyumi?"

Dabi/Touya- "We can walk"

Hawks/Keigo- "Walking is boring"

Dabi/Touya- "Well flying is terrifying so let's go"

Disregarding everything Touya just said Keigo picked him up by the waist and flew over the city.

Dabi/Touya- "Put me down!"

Hawks/Keigo- "To late"

They flew over to the Todoroki house and landed gently, Fuyumi and Shoto had just stepped through the front door when they arrived.

Fuyumi- "Well that was quick, what's wrong with Toyua?"

Dabi/Touya- "Birdbrain decided it was a brilliant idea to fly here"

Shoto- "Well your not late so..."

Hawks/Keigo- "Exactly"

Dabi/Touya- "Whatever let's just go"

Fuyumi jumped into the driver's seat and Shoto sat beside her in shotgun, while Dabi and Hawks shared the back.

Before Touya could put on his depressing emo music like last time Shoto had already plugged the aux into his phone. And it seemed like the girls if class 1-A had picked his playlist.

Everything was going fine until Shoto's phone started playing the song 'W.A.P'

Fuyumi was ordering him to turn it off whilst Shoto argued back that Mina had said it was a great song. Touya was dying in the back whilst Keigo right next to him began to sing the entire song.

After all that drama Fuyumi turned on the normal radio to be greeted by a shouting present mic, after that she just turned the volume off.

When they arrived at the bowling alley they looked up and saw in bright Neon blue '3Amigos bowling alley' (I don't know okay just roll with it).

They got out of the car and headed inside, the inside looked like any other bowling alley. Dabi sorted out everything at the front desk, and once they were ready they headed down to the lanes.

They where there for hours trying to beat Fuyumi but she was unstoppable.

Shoto- "How are you doing this?"

Fuyumi- "I'm just a natural at this I guess"

Fuyumi was explaining to Shoto her technique.

Hawks/Keigo- "Hey dabi"

Keigo called him over to the ball dispenser he pointed to a black, electric blue and purple one.

Hawks/Keigo- "It's you"

Touya rolled his eyes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

Dabi/Touya- "Shut it pretty bird"

When the two looked over at Fuyumi and Shoto they where staring right at them. Fuyumi had a slight smirk on her face whereas Shoto was extremely confused.

Fuyumi- "So I'm guessing you two are together"

Hawks/Keigo- "Yeah"

As Fuyumi, Keigo and Touya's conversation continued Shoto only became even more confused.

Shoto- "Wait"

Everybody looked at Shoto confused.

Shoto- "Is Tokoyami your secret love child?"

Dabi/Touya- "Who?"

Fuyumi brought her figures up to her temples and moved them in circular motions.

Hawks/Keigo- "Why would he be our secret love child?"

Shoto- "You're a bird he's a bird, Touya's emo and edgy and Tokoyami's emo and edgy"

Hawks/Keigo- "Oh yea"

After ten minutes of persuading Shoto that Tokoyami was not their secret love child they left the bowling alley and headed back.

Hawks/Keigo- "Hey guys, your not going to tell your father that I'm dating Touya are you?"

Fuyumi- "Do you want us to?"

Dabi/Touya- "We'd prefer if you didn't"

Fuyumi- "Then I won't tell him, how about you Shoto?"

Shoto- "You can tell him when your ready, however I'd tell mom first"

Dabi/Touya- "I've been meaning to pay mom a visit for a while now, i'll go tell her tommorow"

Fuyumi- "I'll make you some dumplings to take with you if you want"

Dabi/Touya- "Thanks Fuy"

Fuyumi- "No problem just tell her there from me"

Dabi/Touya- "Alright"

Fuyumi- "Here you are"

They where pulled up outside Hawks' place, they both got out and waved goodbye to Fuyumi and Shoto as they drove off.

The two men got inside and changed into some comfy clothes, they made some food and sat near the TV.

As they ate Touya began to become curious about Keigo's wings, he had only ever touched the larger parts of his wings. When He took the plates and was washing them in the sink Touya decided this was the perfect time to find out what happens when he touched Keigo's more sensitive feathers.

Dabi snaked his one arm around his waist just so he knew he was there then he began to stroke the longer feathers. No reaction.

He moved his hand to the medium feathers. His wing twitched. Interesting.

Hawks/Keigo- "Touya what are you doing?"

Dabi moved his had to to stroke the slightly smaller feathers. His wing fill on shivered under his touch.

Hawks/Keigo- "Touya what are you doing?"

This time there was a slight hint of panic in his voice but still he continues to move his and to the smaller feathers. His wing shook and then he heard a little squeak come from Hawks' mouth.

He moved his hand to stroke the area where his wing meets his skin, Hawks wings both flew up immediately at Touya's touch.

Hawks/Keigo- "Ahh~"

Dabi was shocked but pleased by the reaction he had gotten from Keigo, he cotinued to stroke the same area repeatedly to see what would happen.

And that my friend is all for now




Fire, Feathers and a whole lot of TraumaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora