The first kiss

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They stared into one another's eyes for a while until Dabi finaly spoke.

Dabi/Touya- "Ya know last time this happened I ended up with a broken nose"

Hawks/Keigo- "You still have a broken nose"

Touya laughed at this response but still kept eye contact with Hawks, not wanting to break his gaze.

Dabi/Touya- "You know Fuyumi told me something earlier"

Hawks/Keigo- "What did she tell you?"

Dabi could see that Keigo was invested in what he was saying, so he continued with what he was saying.

Dabi/Touya- "About relationships and stuff like that"

Hawks/Keigo- "Who's relationship?"

Touya looked into Keigo's curious eyes as he continued to test how curious he is.

Dabi/Touya- "Oh just about somebody in the family"

Hawks/Keigo- "Oh come on, who?"

Dabi/Touya- "Why do you want to know so much?"

Hawks/Keigo- "Because you told me now I gotta know"

Dabi/Touya- "Curious birdie~"

Touya was using the same deep calm voice he had used yesterday, but this time it felt different. Hawks wasn't caught of guard this time he wanted to hear what Touya was saying.

Dabi/Touya- "She was talking about how I should ask this person out"

Hawks/Keigo- "Who?"

Dabi/Touya- "You sound like an owl"

Hawks/Keigo- "Yeah, Yeah whatever. Tell me who"

Dabi held eye contact with Hawks for a second before reaching for his chin. He leaned his face in closer and kissed him gently on the lips.

Keigo didn't know what else to do but melt into the kiss. Dabi broke the kiss and looked into Keigo's eyes again.

Dabi/Touya- "I'm pretty sure you understand~"

Hawks already knew he was blushing and he didn't know what to say back, he wanted to hide his face but Dabi's eyes wouldn't let him move.

Instead he continued to stare until Dabi looked back at the TV. Hawks was relived but disappointed at the same time, he still had this image of Touya's eyes stuck in his head.

Dabi/Touya- "You tired or what?"

Hawks/Keigo-"Oh uh yeah"

Dabi picked Keigo up again and took him over to his bed, he placed him down gently and led down next to him, pulling the blanket over them both.

Keigo cuddled in close as Touya wrapped his arms around him, stroking his wings gently. The warmth of his body radiating onto his own. There was only one thing on Keigo's mind.

Hawks/Keigo- "So are we dating?"

Touya hugged Keigo closer and leaned by his ear.

Dabi/Touya- "If that's what you want baby~"

That's all for now yall




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