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Kwigo ran a hand through his hair, also leaning back on a wall "well I heard there was a fair going on not to far away".

Dabi tilted his head "a fair, didn't know you were a child" he teased.

"Shut the fuck up, you coming or not?" Keigo snapped back with a smile.

The taller make thought for a second before responding "fine let me get changed first though" he said putting his hands into his pockets.

Hawk's Scarlet wings fluttered slightly, clearly happy with Dabi's answer "great I'll meet you there" he smiled.

The older guy turned to watch his old friend walk off "okay, see you then"

Keigo flew off and Dabi just stood there for a second, then headed inside the Todoroki house.

Fyumi turned to see the newcomer and saw her older brother "Oh hey Touya, you come to visit?" she asked happily.

He smiled slightly dissapointed in himself "No sorry just came to tell Shoto that I gotta change the plans" he replied

Fyumi tipped her head, placing down her book "what plans?".

"we were going to go see mom" said a voice from the staircase.

Shoto walked down the stairs with a small brown paper bag in his hand.

The oldest sibling dropped his head "Sorry Shoto, something came up I'll visit her tommorow" he said.

The younger boy sighed as he came to the bottom of the stairs "Its fine, I'll tell hey you said hi".

Fuyumi stood next to her youngest brother "Tell her I said hi to" she said with a smile.

Shoto nodded and headed out the door, Fuyumi and Dabi had a quick catch up until Endeavour walked in.

Enji's eyebrows lifted as he saw his first born son  "Oh Touya what are you doing here?" he asked a hint of surprise in his voice.

Touya turned towards the door  "Leaving" he replied coldly over his shoulder.

Touya waved to Fuyumi and left without another word, he closed the door gently behind him.

He called a cab to come pick him up because his flat was a while away. When the cab arrived, Dabi hopped in and told the driver where he needed to be.

Luckily the driver wasn't very talkative, Dabi needed to save his energy to put up with Kwigo. The cab pulled up outside the flats, he paid the driver and went inside.

The inside wasn't so glamorous but it was the best an ex-Villian could get, and it was better than living with his father.

Touya unlocked his door and stepped into his flat. It was messy but he knew where everything was, he didn't really tidy up often he never had any guests over.

Dabi changed into a black long sleeve shirt, some baggy black pants and his usual buckled boots. He chuckled slightly when he remembered the time when Twice and Toga had a go at him for all his black clothing.

Touya forced the memory out of his mind before he thought about it anymore, he grabbed his keys and left his flat.

The fair was within walking distance so he didn't bother to call another cab. "I have legs for a reason" he whispered to himself, remembering what Toga had said earlier that day.

He walked for a couple of minutes and then he saw the bright lights and rides, the entrance to the park was right across the road but there was no Keigo in sight. Dabi stood there for what felt like an eternity. In reality was only two minutes.

"Hey Touya" shouted a voice to his right.

He looked to his right and there stood Hawks, he, like Dabi hadn't made an effort he wore a white T-shirt with navy Jean's and white trainers.

The taller male crossed his arms facing the bird man "So what took so long?" he asked with a undertone of annoyance in his words.

The other guy rolled his eyes"I couldn't find my jaket" he sounded anoyyed himself.

Dabi lowered his arms, shifting his weight onto his back leg "I've been waiting for ages because you couldn't find a jacket?".

"alright relax I'm only two minutes late" stated the shorter guy rolling his eyes. Again.

Touya rolled his eyes back "whatever, are we going in or what" it was more of a complaint that a question.

The blonde elaked past, Dabi trailing behind "alright then grumpy let's go".

Hawks led him into the park, there was so many lights it was blinding. The smell of food filled the air, the sound of all the children laughes. Before he could even take all of it in he was being pulled by the arm.

Keigo had grabbed his arm and was pulling him towards a ride, it went really high up in the air.

Touya's eyes widened as he saw it "I'm NOT going on that!" he stated.

Hawks looked at Dabi like he was an alien.

Kwigo maintained his slightly disgusted yet confused expression "Why?".

The taller man gestured at the ride "That goes up way to high!!!" he shouted, slightly overreacting.

Keigo's expression turned to dissapointment "Chicken" he said blankly.

Dabi mimicked the others expression "said the chicken".

Hawks rolled his eyes and continued to pull him towards the ride. They both got on the ride and it started moving.

Touya gripped the side of the ride and closed his eyes, all he could feel was the wind whipping his face as they swung back and forth. While Touya was being traumatised, again, Keigo was loving it.

Once the ride stopped Dabi opened his eyes.

The blond reached his hand up to his old fiends shoulder "you okay Touya?" he asked, slightly concerned.

He slapped away the others hand "Shut it bird".

Hawks just laughed in response and they got of the ride. After that they went on a few other rides, soon Keigo was getting hungry.

Hawks looked up"hey I'm hungry can we..." before he could finish his request he was cut off.

"Go get Chicken" Dabi finished.

Dabi just stared at Hawks with a smirk

Keigo's face went back to the annoyed Questioning look "So can we?" he asked

Touya sighed, shaking his head slightly "Fine let's go then" he walked out of the park and back to the streets.

Fire, Feathers and a whole lot of TraumaWhere stories live. Discover now