The Hunt for Chicken

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Hawks and Dabi wondered around the neighbourhood for a while but couldn't find anywhere to eat. They googled online any near places and they were all booked. Keigo whined in response.

Dabi turned to the blonde "You can't be that hungry" he stated.

"I Am STARVING, I need susdidunce" complained the bird man.

Touya had been dealing with the others whining for the past ten minutes "I can try cook, but I'm not the best and I need to go shopping" he siad getting a little annoyed.

Hawks wings shuffled happily with the newfound hope "Okay then let's go" he responded.

Dabi flicked through his phone tabs "okay let me call a cab" he said.

The blond's head hung again "They take to long" he whined.

The other rolled their eyes looking down at him, also annoyed "well do you want to walk?" he snapped.

Hawks grabbed Dabi around the waist and flew off.

Touya gripped onto Keigo's arm "Put me down now!" he shouted.

Hawks let out a small laugh "C'mon your fine this is faster anyway"he reasoned.

Dabi gave the shorter male a sharp glare  "I said put me down!" he shouted again.

Hawks glared right back "Shut up, its fine".

The white haired male grippe Don harder as the great red wings carried them higher "No its fucking not, were up way to high and your wings aren't that good anymore".

"well who's fault is that" Keigo snapped back.

"Your the one who lied" argued the older male, his tone turning poisonous.

The other guy scoffed "Don't try and pass the blame on me, you burnt them off" he argued back, ignoring teh anger in teh others voice.

Dabi lost his shit at this point "well your the one who killed Twice" he barked.

Dabi hadn't thought before saying the words out loud, Hawks had slowed down. Touya knew that must be a sign that he pushed it to far.

He sighed quietly "Sorry" he siad.

"It's fine" is all that Touya got in response.

Hawks voice was low, he had definitely taken it to far. They continued to fly in silence until they arrived at the convenience store. Keigo placed Touya down gently then landed.

Dabi staggered into the shop "I'll grab a basket"

Teh other nodded and began to drift towards the isles "mhm"

Hawks grabbed stuff for chicken curry whilst Dabi did his regular shop, they didn't engage in conversation until check out.

The older of the two picked up every ingredient "What is all of this?" he asked, holding some herbs in his right hand.

"Stuff for Chicken curry" replied Keigo.

Touya blocked before speaking again  "Why is there so much?" he asked.

"Uhhh," the blonde paused "because this is what I use to make a curry with chicken" he said.

Keigo looked at Dabi with a odd expression, they continued to swipe there stuff. Touya could never really understand Hawk's facial expressions they were all types of weird. And that sometimes made conversations with him awkward.

Hawks put his hands into his pockets to fish out his money or card "I'll pay for all this".

The White haired guy batted his hand in the air "No I got it I bought stuff to" he also reached for his own card.

The hero looked at the other with a slight glare "Touya I will pay for all of this" he stated.

Dabi smirked "Nope".

Touya scanned his card on the machine and tried to pick up the bags. However Hawk's feathers beat him to it.

"If your paying I'm carrying this" he sighed, his Scarlet feathers coming to his side. He reached for the bags.

The taller guy shook his head and let out a amused chuckle "whatever".

Once they got outside Keigo grabbed Touya again and they took off, the ex-villain was slightly more prepared for the lift this time. Touya guided Hawks to his flat and they went inside.

Dabi swung the door open slowly revealing his dingy, cheap flat "Sorry about the mess I don't usually have people over" he said running a hand through his pure white hair.

The bird man chuckled "Its fine, I can't say I'm much better" he rolled his eyes jokingly.

Touya took the groceries and went to his small kitchen, he took out all the ingredients and began to prepare the food.

Keigo wandered around Dabi's flat looking for something to do, he opened a door which led to Touya's bedroom.

It was small and messy like the rest of the flat. He looked over to the beside table and saw a picture frame.

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