Ice Skating

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Keigo went to his closet and looked through his clothes, he picked out a white T-shirt his black jacket some gray ripped jeans and some black high tops. He plugged his phone on charge as he changed.

A while later there was a knock on his door followed by Touya's voice.

Dabi/Touya- "Oi bird brain you ready!?"

Hawks/Keigo- "Yeah hang on let me get my phone!"

Dabi/Touya- "hurry up with it will ya!"

Hawks unplugged his phone and opened the door, behind the door was Touya in black as usual. Today he was wearing a black hoodie with black jeans.

Dabi/Touya- "C'mon then"

Keigo locked the door and followed him to Fuyumi's car, Dabi held the door opes for Keigo to get in the back. Touya circled around the front, and Fuyumi started the car. The car ride was nothing more than funny conversations and Dabi's emo music.

Dabi/Touya- "Ight were here"

The car pulled to a stop outside the ice rink.

Dabi/Touya- "Hey yumi you coming in?"

Fuyumi- "Sure"

Dabi/Touya- "nice, now I get to traumatized Keigo"

Keigo+Fuyumi- "What!?"

Dabi/Touya- "He knows why"

Fuyumi- "Why?"

Hawks/Keigo- "Because I took him to the fair and he didn't like the rides I chose"

Fuyumi- "Wait you two went to the fair together?"

Hawks/Keigo- "Yeah then Touya made me some chicken curry"

Fyyumi looked at Dabi with a curious face.

Fuyumi- "Did he now?"

Hawks/Keigo- "Yeah"

Dabi/Touya- "Only because no restaurants where open..."

Fuyumi- "He was going to take you to a restaurant?"

Hawks/Keigo- "Yeah, anyway are we gonna get out or not I'm bored"

Hawks got out of the car and headed towards the ice rink.

Fuyumi- "You like him dont you"

Dabi/Touya- "Huh"

Fuyumi- "Don't play dumb you clearly like him"

Dabi/Touya- "No I don't!"

Fuyumi- "mhhmm and I don't wear glassess"

Fuyumi got.out of the car and Touya followed.

Dabi/Touya- "You seem to forget that I burnt his wings off"

Fuyumi- "Okay fine but still, why take him out two days in a row?"

Dabi/Touya- "Yesterday was his idea"

Hawks/Keigo- "Who's idea?"

Dabi/Touya- "Never you mind, let's just go in"

Dabi pushed the doors open and they all headed inside. They went up to the front desk and asked for three pair of ice skates in each of their sizes. After they put them on they got onto the rink.

Hawks/Keigo- "Okay how the fuck am I suposed to move?"

Fuyumi and Touya looked back to see Keigo gripping on to the edge.

Fuyumi- "I'll help you"

Dabi/Touya- "Nah, I got it you go enjoy yourself"

Fuyumi- "You sure?"

Dabi/Touya- "Yeah I'm sure"

Fuyumi- "Okay good luck"

Dabi went over to Keigo and grabbed his arms to pull him away from the edge.

Hawks/Keigo- "Dabi don't! I'm going to fall over!"

Dabi/Touya- "Don't be so dramatic I got you you're fine"

Hawks gripped on tight to Touya's arm, like when they were watching the movie. Dabi began to skate around the edge of the rink, while Hawks clumsily tried to follow.

Hawks/Keigo- "I can't do this I'll just sit by the edge"

Dabi/Touya- "You can leave when you can skate there on your own"

Hawks/Keigo- "Why are you so mean?"

Dabi/Touya- "What did you expect I'm an ex-Villian"

They continued to skate slowly around the edge for a while Keigo was starting to catch up. Then he fell over.

Hawks/Keigo- "Och"

Touya was trying not to laugh but obviously he failed, Keigo laughed with him as he struggled to get up.

Dabi/Touya- "You okay?"

Hawks/Keigo- "yeah"

Dabi held Hawks up for a second while they where laughing, and then they started to skate again

"I don't like him" fuyumi whispered to herself whilst reciting the words Touya had said not so long ago, she  watched Dabi and Keigo skate around. "Lier" she whispered to herself, she could see it clear as day but Touya was to scared to admit it.

After about three hours they left the rink and got back in the car.

That's all for now folks




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