Pictures, Movie and Cuddles

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Hawks picked it up, it was a picture of them when they were younger. He studied every aspect of the picture, as if it was alien.

The two had looked so different back then. Touya still had very small streaks of red in his hair and large scars rather than the burnt patches he had now.

Keigo on the other hand, his main difference was clothing. At the time they met the bird boy wasn't in the best wealth state. His clothes looked old and worn out and his hair was sticking up here and there.

The two had changed alot since then, although it didn't feel like it. It was clear to see, not just physically, mentally too.

"Hey! Bird brain what are you looking at?" a voice called from behind him.

Keigo turned to face the intruder, who ofcorse was Touya.

The blonde raised the small picture frame that held the photo booth images "You still have these picture?" he asked.

Dabi hesitated before answering "Ofcourse, I wouldn't throw it away" he relied.

Hawks stared at the pictures once again, The pictures were taken kot long before Touta left.

The taller male tilted his head, resting his back on the doorframe "Are you still hungry or are you just going to stare at that all day?" he asked, his voice undertone with sass.

Hawks snapped out of his trance "Oh yeah, I'm hungry I'll be there now".

Dabi walked out of the room leaving Keigo, he put the picture down and headed into the living room.

Hawks sat down on the couch, Dabi passed him his food. He said Thanks and the two began to eat, Hawks had been much hungrier earlier but right now he was still thinking about the picture.

Touya noticed how zoned out the bird boy was "Hey, you want to watch a movie or something?" he asked.

The blond turned to look at Dabi "Sure" he replied with a smile.

Dabi picked up the remote and began flicking through the film section "What do you want to watch?".

"Dunno," shrugged the hero "you pick"

Touya picked a movie called ' The Conjuring', then placed the plates on the table.

Dabi seemed to be enjoying the movie but Hawks wasted really watching. Touya paused the movie to take the dishes over to the sink.

"Is my cooking really that bad?"Touya asked, glancing back to the bird man sat near the TV.

The blond turned his head round "huh?" he tilted his head slightly in confusion.

The older guy tipped his head toward the dishes at his side "you barley touched your food, I thought you were 'STARVING'" he stated, continuing to wash the dishes.

Hawks wings lifted slightly as he realized "It's not your cooking it's just I feel a bit sick"

Ofcourse this was a complete lie but he didn't want to sound stupid. He was still getting over the fact Touya still had their picture.

Dabi sighed "well you can stay here overnight if you feel ill".

"thanks" replied the blond.

After Dabi washed to dishes he sat down again and un-paused the movie.

Hawks was still deep in thought when a jumpscare startled him. He jumped closer to Touya and hugged his arm tightly. Before he could even process what he had just done Dabi was looking at him dead in the eyes.

Hawks sat for a moment usuare what to do "Sorry I didn't mean to do that it just scared me" he siad a little shaky.

The otger guy lookrd fown, equally as confused "It's fine... you can stay there in you want" he akwarsly said, shiftinh his attention to the film.

Hawks cuddled in tighter because it made him feel safer, and to cover the blush on his face. They continued to watch the movie together (mainly Keigo hiding behind Dabi's arm).

"Why did you pick that movie, were you trying to kill me?" he asked his friend, still a little spooked.

"okay first of all you nearly gave me a heart attack earlier on that ride, and when you just flew me around, and two you said I could chose" he listed.

Hawks tipped his head to the side in agreemeng "okay fair enough".

Dabi listed his arm up slightly "You gonna let go of my arm now?" he asked.

"Oh- yeah sorry" he said awkwardly, he hadn't realised he was still hilding on.

Hawks let go of his arm and sat up straight, he checked the time on his phone and it was almost midnight. Before he could moan to Dabi that he was tired he was in Touya's arms.

The blond threw one hand on his carriers shoulder and one on his wrist, to keep himslef secure "What are you doing?" he asked a little confused.

Dabi didn't bother to look at him "You look tired" he stated.

Dabi threw Hawks onto the bed and rummage through the clothes that remained in his closet. He grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants (black obiously) and chucked them to Keigo.

"Thanks" Keigo said, too tuted to complain about him being cartied beforehand.

"No problem" is all he got in reaponse from the talker male.

Hawks picked up the clothes and began walking towards the bedroom door.

Dabi watched him walk "where are you going?" he asked.

Hawks turned to face him "To go change" the blond tilted his head.

"Why can't you change in here" Touya asked raising a brow.

"It just feels weird"

"okay" shrugged the older guy.

Dabi continued to pick out some trousers and Hawks goes to change in the Bathroom. The hoodie was to big witch was good so he could fit his wings underneath, but the sweatpants were way to big. He struggled for a while then folded his clothes and went back into Dabi's room.

Keigo walked around the corner "He-yyyyy..." he dragged out his word as he saw Touya.

Dabi was stood by his bed shirtless changing, he had changed into some sweatpants (black).

Touya turned yo fave him shirt in hand "Hey".

Hawks couldn't help but stare at Touya's abs, Dabi noticed this and moved closer to him. Hawks tried staring into his eyes instead of his abs, but his gaze was overpowering. Hawks looked away only to be brought right back by Dabis hand.

Dabi noticed how flustered the hero was being so he decided to see how far he could take it.

"What's the mater baby bird~" he teased.

Hawks could feel his cheeks heat up, but all he could focus on where Toya's eyes.

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