WandaVision Au PT.2

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 Now, I was going to show you a story following another character. But, I found another story that was way more interesting. Perhaps we can follow the other character, another time. For now, let's watch a sixteen year old Morrigan Crow build herself a new life with her magical powers.  

It turns out her feet could take her pretty far. When Morrigan was done running, she found herself in a nice size town called Nevermoor. I've never heard of this town before, she thought to herself. The town was cute and was bustling with people. The sun was setting, and it managed to make the town look stunning. Morrigan found herself wanting to explore every part of the town. So she did. What else could she do anyways.

The houses were lovely. They were Victorian houses that came in pale blue, green, pink, and yellow. The shops were small and cute. Morrigan saw a pet store, hair salon, and a grocery store. She also saw a bookstore. She decided to go in and check it out. The bookstore was very bright and quiet. There were only a few customers in the store. Some of them were looking at the books, while the others were standing in line and buying their books. Morrigan went over to the kid's section and looked at the books there. When she left, she was only twelve. Now, she's a teenager. She felt strange because of that. Especially since she was sixteen, and about to turn seventeen in a few days. Not everyone can say that they missed a majority of their teenage years.

She tried to see if she could spot any of her favorite childhood books. But, she couldn't. All of these books looked new. Morrigan decided to check out the young adult section. She didn't see any books that caught her eye over there. She decided to head out and check out what else the beautiful town had. There was a bakery, a frozen yogurt store, a yoga place, and a couple of nice looking playgrounds.

She wanted to stay here, but how could she do that? She didn't have any money, she didn't have a job, and it's not like she knew what had changed in the world in five years. She was in need of guidance. But who could she go to? Just about everyone at home didn't care for her. Only her grandmother was there for her. But her grandmother wasn't home all the time. And she didn't want to risk running into her father or Ivy. She wanted nothing to do with them. She felt herself getting overwhelmed. I shouldn't have run away from home, she thought to herself. Even though that place was a nightmare for me, I should have stayed a little while longer, and tried to figure out a plan first. She was becoming more and more stressed out. What was she going to do?

Morrigan didn't notice that she had summoned wunder while she was panicking. The wunder was gathering around her hands and waiting for her to make a move. Morrigan had barely noticed it. It had been years since she had used it. She stopped using it about a year before she disappeared in the blip. She had forgotten what it felt like to have it close by and ready to use. I just wish I could stay here and be safe from them, she thought to herself. And I wish they could never find me here either.

That can be arranged, said a small voice in the back of her head.Huh? Morrigan asked. Don't you want a parent who loves you? And friends who will stick by your side? The voice pushed. Morrigan felt a wave of calm fall over her. Ummm, yes? Morrigan replied with great uncertainty. We can arrange that, the voice replied. She felt sleepy. Her hands were completely covered in purple wunder. Morrigan looked down and felt a scream building up in her throat when she saw them. The wunder shot out from her hands, and then, shot out into the sky. Then, her wunder encased the town.

After this dome of purple wunder was finished, a wave of purple swept through the town. After that, Morrigan blacked out.

The Nevermoor MultiverseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant