Rumpelstiltskin defeats Squall

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Good evening everyone! Now that we are done following Miss Crow, I will show you what is happening in the other universes. Hmmm, it seems like you're in luck today! Today, we will be following  a Rumpelstiltskin variant today! This should be interesting....

"You can't do this!" Morrigan Crow cried.

"Actually, Miss Crow," Squall said in a bored tone, "I can do whatever I want."

Morrigan continued to cry as Squall approached the cage that was on top of a wooden table. Inside the cage was a food bowl that was filled with pellets. There was also a container that stored hay, a water bottle, and a small wooden house. Inside the house, was a guinea pig named Rumpelstiltskin.

Rumpelstiltskin was a mix of dark and light browns, and a little bit of white. He usually looked upset because his white hair looked like bushy eyebrows over his dark eyes. He sat in silence as the scary-looking man walked over to the cage. He was scared. Who was this man? Rumpelstiltskin had never seen him before. He had a gut feeling that something bad was about to happen to him. The man was humming an eerie tune. Then, he waved his hand and Rumpelstiltskin's cage door fell down.

After that, Rumpelstiltskin began to float. The man waved his hand again so he could bring Rumpelstiltskin towards him.

"You have brought me so much trouble," the man said.

He tilted his head and asked him, "Did you know that?"

Rumpelstiltskin was a guinea pig. Therefore, he could not understand what the man was saying. So, he simply continued to stare at the man.

"No, he doesn't know that!" Morrigan exclaimed as she wiped away the tears that were falling down her face, "He's a guinea pig! He can't understand you."

"Miss Crow, please stay out of this," Squall said, not bothering to look back at her, "Captain North made a poor decision by allowing you to get a pet. Ever since you got him, you have been lacking in your studies. If you didn't want this to happen, then you should have made a better effort at trying to learn the Art of Veil."

Morrigan covered her face and began to cry again. Rumpelstiltskin couldn't stand to see his owner cry. And he was upset that this man had taken him out of his cage and was holding him up in the air. Before he knew it, he started to glow. Morrigan looked up and stared at him. Meanwhile, Ezra Squall narrowed his eyes at him. Rumpelstiltskin focused on Ezra Squall. Now, he saw that there was a bunch of gold energy surrounding the man. Come to me, Rumpelstiltskin said to the gold energy.

Morrigan and Squall watched as Rumpelstiltskin absorbed all the golden energy that surrounded Squall. After he had completely drained Squall, Squall started to fade away.

"Nooooooooooooo," he cried before completely disappearing.

Rumpelstiltskin willed himself to float to the ground. Then, he ran over to Morrigan. Morrigan looked down at him in shock.

"Have you always been able to do that?" She asked.

He let out a simple squeak. She frowned.

"Hmmm," she said, "I don't know what that means."

He simply moved forward and began to nibble on her dress.

"Huh?" she asked, and then looked at the clock on her wall, "Oh, it's time for your lettuce. Come on, I'm sure you are hungry after draining the most powerful Wundersmith alive."

Morrigan picked up Rumpelstiltskin and began to head to the kitchen so they could get him his daily lettuce. 

Well, well. I hope you enjoyed the story my little watchers. Now that we're done with that. I thought I could show you where Kedgeree and Martha went. Would you like to see that? I'm sure you would. I'll show you Mr. Burn's story first, and then Martha's. 

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