Ezra the Boy meets Squall the Monster Pt.4

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Good evening everyone! I’m your host, Andromeda the Watcher. Tonight, we have some breaking news! A fifteen-year-old, Morrigan Crow variant, has slain the great Rumplestiltskin. Also known as the one controlling the timeline. While it might seem like she made a good decision, she made a decision that has dire consequences. Be careful everyone, we are now entering the multiverse. 

Morrigan Crow did not know why she was here. Before, she was in her room in the Hotel Deucalion. Then, she blinked. When she opened her eyes, she was no longer in her room. Instead, she was in The School of Wunderous Arts. It took her a moment to realize this. And when she did, she was very confused as to why she was here. Did this have something to do with Squall? Did he bring her here so they have a lesson?

She turned around in a circle and looked around to see if she could find him. However, she couldn't find him. She began to wander the halls and call his name. Once she realized he wasn't coming, she stopped and continued to wander the halls. The hallways were quiet for the most part. The only sound that Morrigan could hear were the sounds of her footsteps. 

She continued to walk around to see if she could find anyone. Maybe Sofia and Conall were here. After a few minutes of searching; she realized her friends weren't here. She sighed and got ready to turn around so she could go back to the Hotel Deucalion. She turned down one of the hallways so she could find the exit. That's when she noticed it. One of the doors was open. She walked over to the door. As she got closer, she realized that the lights were off and that there were soft snores coming from the room. 

She pushed the door open a little bit wider so she could walk into the room. She had to fumble around for the light switch for a few seconds. She found it and turned on the lights. That's when she realized that something was really wrong. The classroom was in perfect condition. When she would come down here for Ghostly Hours, the classrooms were dark and dusty. However this one was tidy and had obviously been used recently. There were some pencils and notepads on the desk. 

And then, of course, there was a teenage boy who's soft snores were filling up the room. His head was laying on his knees and his arms were wrapped around himself. He was wearing old-fashioned pants and shirt and had ash-brown hair. Something about him was very familiar. Morrigan walked over to him slowly and carefully. She didn't want to startle him, or anything. She just wanted to know why he was here by himself. Was he a part of the Sub-Nine Academic Group? She didn't think so. 

"Hello," she said softly. 

He was still asleep.

Morrigan decided to tap his shoulder. 

He woke up. 

Once Morrigan saw his face, she screamed. 

The boy jumped a little bit.

"Why are you screaming?" He asked, face full of concern.

Morrigan opened her mouth to reply, but found that she couldn't get the words out of her mouth. The boy continued to stare at her.

"Who are you?" He asked.

Morrigan found that she still couldn't reply. She was confused. She was so confused that she couldn't even think of what she should say. All she knew was that she was with a younger Ezra Squall. The boy noticed that she was overwhelmed and stood up and  took a step forward.

"Hey," he said slowly, "Take a deep breath. It's okay. It's okay."

"No," Morrigan blurted out, "It's not okay. You're young and-and-did I time travel? You weren't this young the last time I saw you."

The boy looked at her in confusion.

"I'm young?" He asked, "And you think you just time traveled?" 

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