Mog, what happened?

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Note: This story is a continuation of part four of Ezra the Boy meets Squall the Monster.

Good evening everyone! I'm your host, Andromeda the Watcher. Tonight, we have some breaking news! A fifteen-year-old, Morrigan Crow variant, has slain the great Rumpelstiltskin. Also known as the one controlling the timeline. While it might seem like she made a good decision, she made a decision that has dire consequences. Be careful everyone, we are now entering the multiverse.

"Mog," he asked, face full of concern, "What's wrong?"

Morrigan took a deep breath before beginning.

"One moment, I was in my room," she said, "The next, I was in the School of Wunderous Arts. I met a younger version of Ezra Squall too."

"A younger version of Ezra Squall?" Jupiter asked.

He looked bewildered and concerned. Now, although Morrigan wasn't a witness, she knew exactly why Jupiter looked concerned. He obviously was concerned that Morrigan had conjured some intense daydream in her head. However, she was certain that she had not. After all, it wouldn't be the first time something strange had happened to her.

"Jupiter, I already know what you're going to say," she said with a sigh, "But, no. I did not imagine meeting a younger version of Squall. He really was there. And he said that he met an older version of himself. And based on his description of him; it sounded like he met the Squall that I know."

"He met an older version of himself?" He asked, still in shock. "And it sounded like the Squall that you have encountered? Mog, are you sure you're feeling alright?"

He lifted his hand and tried to see if her head was warm. Morrigan swatted his hand away and scowled at him.

"Jupiter," she said, voice full of exhaustion, "I didn't hallucinate anything! I really saw a younger version of himself. And he saw an older version of himself! And it both happened to us in the same way. We blinked, and suddenly we were in a different era-"

Suddenly, Jack burst into the room.

"Uncle Jove!" he cried, "Martha and Kedgeree disappeared!"

"What do you mean?" Jupiter asked as he stood up.

"Everything was fine," he said, speaking quickly, "We were at the front desk and talking. Then, I blinked and they were gone. I-"

Morrigan and Jack happened to blink at the same time. Suddenly, they were at the check-in desk at the Hotel Deucalion. Kedgeree looked up from the notepad he was writing in, and gave Jack a soft smile.

"Ah, Mr. Korrapati," he said kindly.

Then he noticed Morrigan. "I see you've brought a new friend?"

He turned to Morrigan and said, "How do you do?"

"What? Kedgeree, you know me!" she exclaimed.

He looked at her weirdly. "No, I don't think we've ever met before."

He turned back to Jack and continued speaking to him.

"By the way," he said, "Mr. North wants to see you in his office. It's best if you get going now. He's been waiting for you for a while now, and you know how he feels about people being late."

Morrigan and Jack looked at each other. What in the world was Kedgeree talking about? Jupiter never complains about people being late. In fact, sometimes he's late to events. Jack gave Morrigan a look that said, Ignore it. We'll try to figure out why he's acting like this later. Then averted his gaze back to Kedgeree and responded to him.

"Okay," Jack said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Jack and Morrigan began to make their way to Jupiter's office. On their way there, they began discussing what had just happened.

"What's going on?" Jack asked, "First, you disappear for a while, then suddenly reappear and only want to tell Jupiter what happened. You usually tell me when something happens.

And then, we're transported to the front desk and Kedgeree is acting like he doesn't know you!"

"I don't know, Jack," Morrigan replied honestly, "Something similar happened earlier. I was teleported to the School of Wunderous Arts and found a younger Ezra Squall. And he claimed that he was teleported to a different Nevermoor and met an older version of himself. And that older version of himself sounded like the Ezra Squall I know."

"How does that even work?" Jack muttered to himself. "Is it possible that the both of you have been time traveling?"

"Well, look at what happened with Kedgeree," Morrigan countered. "If we just traveled back to a time where I hadn't even arrived yet, wouldn't that mean that you are a few years younger than you are now? He should have pointed out that you look different. You weren't this height a few years ago."

"That's true-" Jack started to reply, but was cut off by a familiar voice.

"John Arjuna Korrapati," the voice said in an irritated tone, "Where have you been?"

Morrigan and Jack began to turn around slowly. At the other end of the hall stood a very angry Jupiter. Instead of donning his usual attire made of pastel colors, he wore a black blazer with a black turtleneck and pants.

"You're wearing black," Morrigan said, staring at him in disbelief.

"You never wear black," Jack said, staring at him in disbelief as well. "You said you hated it."

Jupiter rolled his eyes and gave him an annoyed look.

"Number one, I always wear black," he said.

Then he looked at Morrigan in disgust.

"Number two, who is she and why is she here? I told Kedgeree that I wanted to see you. You and only you. I didn't ask you to bring a friend."

Morrigan and Jack looked at each other. And in that moment, they realized that this was far worse than they could have anticipated.

Good evening everyone! I'm your host Andromeda the Watcher. Tonight, we have an update on our current story. There are reports that the multiverse is starting to become slightly unstable. People are glitching in and out of universes. Eventually, we will reach a state of chaos where no one will be able to close the multiverse. If the multiverse goes on like this, it will collapse. And we all know what that means. Our only hope is that someone will take over the timeline and restore balance once more.

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