The Wrong Jupiter PT.2

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Good evening everyone! I'm your host Andromeda the Watcher. Tonight, we have an update on our current story. There are reports that the multiverse is starting to become slightly unstable. People are glitching in and out of universes. Eventually, we will reach a state of chaos where no one will be able to close the multiverse. If the multiverse goes on like this, it will collapse. And we all know what that means. Our only hope is that someone will take over the timeline and restore balance once more.

"Step away from her."

Morrigan watched as Jupiter looked up and stared at someone behind her. She turned around to look at them too. Standing a few feet away from them was her Jupiter. He stormed over to them. Morrigan moved out of the way. Jupiter went off.

"Don't ever go near her like that," he said in a low voice as he got very close to Jupiter's face.

Morrigan felt Jack reach for her hand and try to pull her away. But she couldn't move. Morrigan had only seen Jupiter get this angry a couple of times. He never fought anyone physically, but Morrigan was sure that was about to change. But before Jupiter could do anything, Morrigan blinked, and they reappeared in her room.

"What just happened?" Jack and Jupiter asked at the same time.

"Did you guys blink too?" Morrigan asked.

"Yeah," Jack said as Jupiter said "Yes."

"Then, it happened again," said Morrigan as she tried to figure out what all of this meant.

Jupiter looked down at his hands. He was clearly trying to figure out what all of this meant.

"It seems like no one knows when they can be snapped into another weird place. Like the one I found you in," Jupiter said after a moment of silence.

He looked up at Morrigan and spoke again.

"Morrigan, I'm so sorry if it seemed like I didn't believe you. I knew you were telling the truth, it's just that I couldn't understand what you were saying. I couldn't imagine how something like that could randomly happen."

"It's okay, Jupiter," Morrigan said.

If Morrigan had heard of something like this, she would have been thrown off guard. However, she had been through this weird event. In all honesty, she didn't know what to think. It was weird. She hadn't expected to meet a young Ezra Squall that was afraid of his future self, or find a cruel version of Jupiter that seemed to be aggravated all the time. And the fact that both events happened only a number of minutes apart?

"Uncle Jove," Jack asked, "Do you think this could mean that people will randomly start to appear in alternate realities, or whatever that was?"

"I think so, Jack," Jupiter said before staring off into space.

Jack and Morrigan stared at each other. It was rare that Jupiter acted like this. He was usually a great ball of energy and cheery for the most part. But when Jupiter got quiet like this, it was as if someone flipped a switch. You couldn't help but feel concerned and curious about what was going through the mad ginger's mind. Suddenly, the door opened and Fen walked in. She looked at Morrigan and Jack, then noticed Jupiter. She mouthed the words "I'll talk to him". Morrigan and Jack nodded and left the room.

Once they were outside, Jack turned to Morrigan.

"What do you think is going to happen now that people keep randomly disappearing and re-appearing in alternate timelines or whatever that place was?" Jack asked her.

"I can only guess that the Stealth will be getting involved soon," Morrigan replied. "They handle stuff like that, right?"

Jack shrugged in response. The pair decided to go to the Smoking Parlor and wait to see if they would hear any news about Kedgeree and Martha.

Good evening everyone! Now that we are done following Miss Crow, I will show you what is happening in the other universes. Buckle up, my little watchers! 

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