Kedgeree Gets a Yellow Submarine

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Well, well. I hope you enjoyed the story my little watchers. Now that we're done with that. I thought I could show you where Kedgeree and Martha went. Would you like to see that? I'm sure you would. I'll show you Mr. Burn's story first, and then Martha's. 

Kedgeree was confused as to why he was at the Barrymoore docks in Nevermoor. Before he had blinked, he was at the front desk in the Hotel Deucalion with Fen, Dame Chanda, Frank, Jack, Charlie and Martha. How in the world did I end up here? He asked himself. Then he noticed a young man staring at him from the end of the docks.

"Mr. Burns," he called out, "Is that you?"

"Yes!" Kedgeree replied with a hint of confusion in his voice.

Why was he here? Who was this man, and how did he know Kedgeree's name? It turns out that Kedgeree's questions were about to be answered.

"Good!" the man responded with a smile, "I have your yellow submarine ready for you!"

And that's why Kedgeree was in a yellow submarine ten minutes later. He was still very confused. He did not remember buying a yellow submarine. Nor did he remember scheduling to take the Saturday off so he could spend his afternoon on the submarine. Yet, the young man insisted that he had scheduled his date the previous Saturday. And after that, he showed Kedgeree how to use the controls. Then, he left Kedgeree so he could help the other people that would be coming down to the docks.

Kedgeree had been alone for thirty minutes now, and was having a lot of fun with the submarine. He saw a few different types of fish, a shark, and a small turtle. Kedgeree could not imagine how his day could get any better. Then, he blinked.

He was no longer in his yellow submarine. Instead, he was back at the front desk and staring at a shocked Dame Chanda.

"Ree-Ree!" she exclaimed, "Where have you been? We were worried sick!"

Then she proceeded to tackle him and give him a big hug.

"Nice to see you Chanda," He said weakly as she continued to squeeze him.

After she removed her arms and stepped back, Kedgeree began to explain what had happened to him.

"You see, one moment I was here," he explained, "Then the next, I was at Barrymoore docks. The young lad in charge told me that I had a date for a trip on a yellow submarine! I had a lot of fun, though. Maybe I should look into getting a yellow submarine."

"I hate to interrupt," Charlie's voice floated from behind them, "But have you seen Martha? She disappeared around the same time as you."

Kedgeree turned around to faced him and saw that Charlie was very worried.

"No, I haven't," he said, "I'm sorry. But maybe she will come back soon?"

"I'm not too sure about that, Kedge," Charlie said glumly, "We found Morrigan after 25 minutes of searching for her. And who knows how long she had been gone before that. And then you disappeared for an hour."

Kedgeree looked down at the ground. He hoped that Martha would reappear sometime soon. 

Now that we're done with Mr. Burns' story. Let's move on to Martha's story. Unfortunately, Miss Martha did not get a break like Mr. Burns. Instead, she had her hands tied up. I know, I know. You might be asking yourself, "What does Andromeda mean by that?" Well, you'll see.... 

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