WandaVision AU PT.1

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Note: I would just like to give a quick shout out to @helena_swift on tumblr for helping me brainstorm ideas fot this AU

Now, I was going to show you a story following another character. But, I found another story that was way more interesting. Perhaps we can follow the other character, another time. For now, let's watch a sixteen year old Morrigan Crow build herself a new life with her magical powers.  

 Morrigan Crow woke up in her room. Or what was supposed to be her room. She looked around and saw that it was an office now. The walls were pink and there were gold picture frames on the walls. Inside were pictures of her grandmother, father, her step mother, and two young boys. She didn't recognize the boys. Wait, she did. My brothers? She thought to herself, But they're babies! She noticed that there was a dark wooden desk in front of the window. There were neat piles of paper, a silver computer, an old fashioned pink telephone (which Morrigan believed was just there for decoration), and a few smaller white picture frames. Morrigan was just getting ready to do some more exploring, when Ivy, Morrigan's stepmother, suddenly walked into the room. She spotted Morrigan and screamed.

"Why are you screaming?" Morrigan yelled, attempting to get Ivy to stop before she woke up the whole neighborhood.

"You're supposed to be dead!" She exclaimed, "I watched you vanish right before my eyes five years ago!"

Morrigan couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had disappeared for five years? She thought back to the last thing she could remember. Ivy was helping her pack her bags for her trip to her grandmother's house. Then, her vision going fuzzy and blacking out? She could hear Ivy screaming in the background before completely blacking out. She was still trying to process how that could have led to her disappearing for five years, when her grandmother came into the room.

"Ivy," She asked in an exasperated tone, "Why were you screaming?"

Then she saw Morrigan. Her face paled and she looked like she saw a ghost.

"Where have you been?" she said in disbelief, "We thought we lost you."

A few minutes later, they decided to go downstairs so they could continue their conversation. They sat at the dining room table. Morrigan's grandmother went into the kitchen so she could make Morrigan a sandwich. In the meantime, Ivy turned on the news and began to watch it. The news reporter explained that everyone who had disappeared in the "blip" was coming back. Morrigan was very confused. What are they talking about? She asked herself.

"Ivy," she asked, "What are they talking about? What blip? And why did people disappear?"

She seemed to consider her response. Well that's a first, Morrigan thought to herself.

"Five years ago," Ivy began, "There was a very powerful stone that was uncovered. And as you know, five years ago, scientists started making claims about how the planet was starting to become overpopulated. As the scientists began to do research on the rising population levels and what they could do to stop it, others began to research the stone. Once people realized that it could grant wishes, they tried to grab ahold of the stone and use it for their own personal reasons. Well, one of the scientists on the research team got to it before anyone else could and used it to lower the population levels. And it worked. Around half the population of all living things on this planet evaporated into thin air. The man went on the run and it took two years for the authorities to find him. All they could do was put him in prison since they couldn't use the stone to reverse what he did."

"Why?" Morrigan asked, "What happened to the stone?"

"He used up all the energy for his wish," Ivy said with a sigh, "We thought we had lost everyone for good."

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