Ezra the boy meets Squall the monster PT. 3

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Good evening everyone! I'm your host, Andromeda the Watcher. Tonight, we have some breaking news! A fifteen-year-old, Morrigan Crow variant, has slain the great Rumplestiltskin. Also known as the one controlling the timeline. While it might seem like she made a good decision, she made a decision that has dire consequences. Be careful everyone, we are now entering the multiverse.

For the next few weeks, Ezra was very quiet and kept to himself. This confused the other Wundersmiths. Ezra was well known for making jokes in class and hanging out with the others in his free time. Suddenly, that stopped. He wouldn't make jokes with Elodie, tease Owain, wouldn't climb trees with Rastaban, or study with Mathilde.

They tried everything to see if he would go back to his older self. But nothing worked. Ezra knew that they were trying, but he didn't know if he wanted to be around them. Despite the fact that he didn't trust the older Squall and felt uncomfortable around him; he couldn't help but feel wary around the others. Something happened between him and the other Wundersmiths. Something turned him into that man. And Ezra didn't want that to happen to him. So he kept his head down and stayed quiet. He thought he was doing the right thing. Maybe this is what he needed to do to make sure there was nothing that happened between him and the others. However, it was obvious some of the others didn't agree with what he was doing. Especially Owain.

One day, Owain decided to corner Ezra after class.

"Hey Ezra!" He called out to his friend who was walking down the hall and towards another class, "Wait up!"

Ezra patiently waited as Owain jogged up to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, peering at Ezra, "You haven't been talking to us as much,"

"Yes, I'm alright," he responded weakly.

Owain noted that he wasn't meeting his eyes.

"You know you can tell us anything, right?" He pressed.

"Yes," Ezra replied, still not meeting his eyes.

Owain stepped forward.

"Ezra, what happened that day you disappeared?"

Ezra took a step back.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Ezra! You've changed a lot. You don't hang out with us, you don't joke around anymore. What happened? What changed? You were literally fine earlier that day."

Owain was getting more and more upset.

"You're like a brother to me," he continued, "And I don't want to lose you."

Ezra decided to peek at him. Owain looked flustered and furious.

"I don't want to lose you either, Owain," he said slowly, "But I'm not sure if I can trust you, or anyone, right now."

"What?" Owain asked, "Why?"

Ezra felt himself getting overwhelmed again. The memories of older Ezra were coming back to him. He felt uncomfortable all over again. His head was bothering him and more and more thoughts rushed in.

"I'm sorry," Ezra murmured before running away from Owain.

"Ezra, wait!" Owain called out to him.

Owain attempted to follow Ezra, but Ezra was faster than Owain, and made many twists and turns throughout the school to throw him off his trail. Eventually, Ezra lost Owain and found an empty classroom that he could sit in.

His heart was racing and his thoughts were scattered. He felt as though the walls were closing in on him.

He sat down on the floor and began to do his deep breathing exercises. Breathe in through the nose for four seconds, then hold the breath for two, before breathing out the mouth for four seconds. He felt a little better after doing the exercises a few times. However, he did feel alone and scared. He wanted to tell someone what had happened. But who could he go to? He didn't really know anyone outside his group. And could he really confide in the other Wundersmiths about this?

The whole thing was starting to wear Ezra out. He didn't know what he should do. So he decided to do what his body was telling him. Which was, go to sleep and sleep on the decision. Maybe he would have an answer when he woke up.

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