The Name of the Game

Start from the beginning

Izzie looked confused but nodded. "Okay."

"Meredith has a sister."

/ / /

Mackenzie continued walking until she was pulled into a supply closet... by George.

Taking a minute to recover from the shock she was in, she gave her brother a glare. "George O'Malley, you better have a good reason for dragging me into this supply closet. You scared the crap out of me; I thought I was being kidnapped!"

George rubbed the back of his nape slowly. "I'm sorry, Ellie; I didn't mean to scare you. But I had to find you because I need to tell you something. But you have to promise me that you won't say anything to your mom."

"I promise I won't say anything to Mom, George. Now... what's so important that you had to tell me? And it better be good, too." Mackenzie commented to the surgical intern.

George exhaled loudly. "Meredith's father is here."

"Why is it important that Thatcher Grey is at Seattle Grace, George?" Mackenzie asked in confusion.

"Because he's here with his wife... and Meredith's half-sister, Molly."

Mackenzie blinked a few times before her jaw dropped to the floor. "Wow. Okay. That, um... that-that's definitely a shocker right there."

George nodded. "I know, Ellie. But Dr. Shepherd can't know about this... not yet, at least. Your stepmom is already Molly's doctor; I don't know what your mom would do if he found out that Meredith's father was here."

Mackenzie ran a hand through her blonde hair. "Don't worry, George. I won't say a thing to Mom about this. My lips are sealed."

"Thank you, sweetheart. Now how about we go and get some lunch together, hmm?" George offered.

The blonde girl smiled up at her brother. "Lead the way, Dr. O'Malley."

"It will be my pleasure, Miss Shepherd-Sloan."

/ / /

After Molly and her baby's surgery, Addison stood in the hallway across from Molly's room. Thatcher walked outside of the room and made his way up to Addison.

"Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd?"

Addison met Thatcher's eyes. "Mr. Grey."

"I-I wanted to ask you something," Thatcher said gently.

"Is it about Molly and the baby?" Asked the neonatal surgeon.

Thatcher shook his head. "N-No. This is more of a... a personal question. I don't mean to pry in any way, but, do you have children?"

"I have a stepdaughter," Addison answered.

"What's her name?"

Addison gave a small smile. "Mackenzie."

Thatcher nodded his head. "I see. And, uh... your husband is Mackenzie's father?"

Despite wanting to tell him the truth, Addison didn't know where Thatcher stood on same sex couples, the male carrier gene, and men having children. "Yes, he is."

Thatcher hummed in response. "I-I noticed that you were messing with your wedding ring earlier. I did the same thing when I was having marital problems with Meredith's mother."

"Mr. Grey, with all due respect, I am not going to talk about my marital problems with you. If there's something you'd like to say, then please, say it," Addison said bluntly.

"I wasn't a good father to Meredith. I didn't fight for her like I should have. Instead, I was a coward who let my wife take herself and Meredith up to Boston. I didn't try to fight for my marriage – I knew it was already over. I didn't try hard enough to fight for Meredith, so you should fight as hard as you can for Mackenzie. At least you don't have to feel constant guilt for abandoning her, Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd. If your family really means that much to you... fight for it until you can't fight anymore."

Addison watched Thatcher retreat back into Molly's room and sit next to his wife, Susan. The neonatal surgeon began to mull over Thatcher's words in her head. Should she really take advice from the man who abandoned Meredith as a child?

/ / /

Life is not a spectator sport. Win, lose or draw... the game is in progress... whether we want it to be or not. So go ahead: argue with the refs, change the rules... cheat a little... take a break... and tend to your wounds. But play. Play. Play hard. Play fast. Play loose and free. Play as if there's no tomorrow. Okay, so it's not whether you win or lose... it's how you play the game. Right?

- Meredith Grey

/ / /

Meredith sat in the waiting room at the vet, still knitting her sweater.

Suddenly, a man enters the room.

"Hi. I'm Finn Dandridge. I'm Doc's vet. And you are Dr. Grey. Doc's other owner. We finally meet. Hello."

/ / /

1422 words

Next Update: Blues for Sister Someone

*Yay, a double update! Sorry this chapter was so short, but considering most of the plot was centered around Molly, I had to insert some Mackenzie content. Also, we finally get introduced to Dr. Finn Dandridge! And we are now in the final 5 episodes of season 2!*

Published: 8/24/2021

If I Lay Here {Book 1} - Grey's Anatomy AUWhere stories live. Discover now