Chapter 22: Control

Start from the beginning

Matteo's phone began to ring, and I returned to my track. He picks it up and listens to what the other person on the other end is saying. "La data non è nemmeno vicina e si stanno già facendo muovere lì. Voglio che la sicurezza sia doppia quando torno," As he spoke, his tone became more menacing and threatening. He hung up before embracing me in a hug. His head was in my hair, inhaling my perfume, which seemed to calm him. I hugged him back.

"Are you ok," I say softly. 

"Gattina, I'm ok. It's nothing you should worry about. We must leave; something has arisen that I must address." He rubbed his temples as if he was concerned about something. I nod and bend up to kiss his cheek. 

When we returned, the mansion was silent. Matteo appeared stressed from the earlier phone call. I walked into my room to change into more comfy clothing. I smile as I bite my lower lip and bounce up and down with excitement as I peer longingly at my ring. My stomach was churning with a euphoric feeling that wouldn't go away.

I'm not the silly romantic people think I am. I don't want the heavens or shooting stars. I don't want gemstones or gold. Those things are not important to me. I want... a steady hand. A kind soul. I want to fall asleep, and wake, knowing my heart is safe. I want to love and be loved.  

I go downstairs to check what happened to the chocolate cookies from earlier. Grabbing a plate, I piled some on and carried them upstairs. I wanted to check where Matteo was, so I carried the dish of cookies into his office. I walked in after knocking on the door and hearing his voice. "Gattina?" he asks, his face furrowed as he looks up from his phone.

"I baked some cookies and thought you may like some," I say as I approach him. I turn around to go after placing the dish on his desk when he catches my wrist and pulls me into his lap. I'm blushing as I stare at him. Smirking, he places some hair that had fallen, behind my ear. 

"Thank you, gattina but I don't eat sweets." I frown. 

"Fine, more for me," I take the cookie from the plate and start eating it while he stared attentively at my lips. "If you wanted to know, it tastes great—" before I could continue, his lips crashed onto mine with such power that I would have collapsed if he wasn't holding me. He was firm and gentle as he pulled me in, burning my lips with his mouth. I lean closer to him and close my eyes. Reality faded as his lips moved with mine. My heart feels like it's flying and the world seems to stop.

He pulls back grinning "It does taste amazing," I blush even more as I hide my face in his neck. "You're a jerk," I mumble to myself. 

I just sat on his lap for fifteen minutes, my head resting on his shoulder, eating those cookies, which were really exquisite in my view. Matteo kept working on his paperwork. When I felt someone carrying me, I didn't even realise I fell asleep. I was gently placed on the soft bed and the blanket was draped over me. 

My phone rang the next morning, and I answered it hesitantly, half sleepy. "Annika, it's me, Liam"

"Hey, Liam, what's up? Did anything happen? Is my father okay?" I instantly straighten up, frightened. "Is Mitchell all right?"

"It's Mitchell. I want to talk to you about something really important can we please meet up."

"Yeah no problem, give me the address and I will meet you there soon as possible" He agreed and I ended the call. Hurrying out of bed to get dressed. My heart was racing because I was anxious about Mitchell. I ended things with her on horrible terms, and I'd blame myself if something happened to her. I grab my bag and hurry out, my hair in a ponytail, wearing a basic sweater and jeans.

"Where are you going, Cucciolo?" I turn around as I hear Diego calling out to me, and I immediately reply "I'll return. It's a matter of life and death." I dash down the stairwell, followed by Diego.

"Is everything all right, Annika?" he asks as he grabs my upper arm and pulls me to a halt.

"I don't know, please just...if Matteo asks... can you cover for me, just this time," I beg him with my eyes as he looks at me concerned. 

"Annika--" my phone starts ringing and I answer it. "Annika, I'm here" 

"I'll be there in ten minutes," I end the call, quickly taking my arm out of his hold.

"I have to go" Before he could finish  I run out of the main door. 

I thank the taxi driver as I cross the street to the café, where Liam is waiting for me on one of the seats. I rush over to him, and when he sees me, he leaps to his feet and embraces me. "Hey, is everything fine?"

"Please have a seat," he adds, as I nod and follow his instructions. 

"What's the matter, Liam? You're scaring me. Something happened, and you're keeping it from me" Tears welled up in my eyes as a flurry of ideas raced through my head.

"Last night Mitchell was attacked by some criminals." My breath hitched at his words. 

"W-what" Tears raced down my cheeks

"Annika I assure you that she is unharmed. I arrived on time." I drew a deep breath as relief poured through me.

"What do t-these people want, why did they attack her?" My lips trembled as I cried. 

"They wanted you, Annika." I could feel a searing pain in my heart. 

"The black list date is approaching, and I and your father have theorised that they are striking sooner in order to get you. You don't realise, Annika, that these criminals are trying everything they can to find you. They'll kill everyone you care about in order to kill you. King would do all in his power to protect you, but...Annika, you are putting everyone's life in jeopardy in the process," The blank, emotionless expression swept over my face as the realisation of the moment gradually seeped in. A great sob escaped me, and I covered my face with shaking hands. 

"Annika you have to marry me, it's the only way."


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