I didn't know what to do to comfort her yet I tried my best and it seemed to work. I liked the feeling of being someone's comfort. I liked it when she relied on me emotionally. I felt like I wanted to feel more of it.

I felt like I was being human with feelings and emotions for the first time. I didn't want to let go of this feeling sooner. So I asked her to meet me at the same location every weekend. 

And as she promised she waited for me in the same location every weekend before me. Seeing her waiting for me patiently just to spend her time with me did something to me. 

We talked upon meeting. Well, mostly she did.

She was an emotional person. Few may get annoyed by her constant crying and complaining. but I never felt that way towards her. Maybe because of having stone-like personalities around me 24/7, I guess. 

I liked how expressive she was. Another one of the qualities I liked about her was that she never mentioned the name of her bitchy friend. She tried protecting her at all costs. She is an Angel. How could one even think of hurting her?


I sent one of my men to find who that so-called royal friend of hers is. I was shocked to know that it was none other than Eun-mi. I never thought she would be like that. Now I get why she avoids royal kids and goes to commoners. She wants to show her superiority. What a pretty face without a pretty heart. By now, My crush on her was long gone. I never laid my eye on her after knowing her true colours.

I really wanted to teach her a lesson. But I promised Len-ah that I would never hurt her. I don't even know why she cares for the one who constantly bullies her. I felt like she was my responsibility to take care of. She looked fragile. I wanted to be the one to protect her. 

A year went by and we continued meeting on the weekends and shared how that week went by for us. 

But one fine day, she requested me to stop with our meeting. She said she isn't going to come to meet me anymore. 

When I asked for the reason she said, "I am in love with you Taehyung. And I know I am at no level to fall for the highness. I know you don't feel the same way towards me. I know you are only pitying me. I don't want to fall deeper in love with you by meeting you every weekend. Let us end it here"

And once again she was a crying mess in front of me. Previously, whenever she cried it was because of Eun-mi. But now I caused her pain. She is crying because of me.

I indeed pity her and I don't love her as a woman because I have only seen her as a friend who is dependent upon me since the beginning. I loved the feeling of being her comfort.

Now that she is asking to stop with this meeting, I was scared that I am going to lose the only time I feel like a living being rather than a monster who is trained to fight. 

I didn't want to lose this feeling and when I thought about it, I decided to love her as well. If the feeling of wanting to protect someone is love, if the feeling of being scared to lose what I have with her is love, I indeed love her.

She glowed like a star upon hearing my confession. And I felt happy to see her happy. 

But her happiness didn't last long. I asked what was bothering her and she said, "How can a future king love a commoner? We can never get married to each other"

I smiled upon her fear and assured her saying, "Love doesn't come upon seeing the status. A King can love whoever he wants and can marry the one he loves. Here my love is you, Len-ah"

DON'T I DESERVE TO BE LOVED ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora