Chapter 6: Laughter

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"Hahaha. Ha. Hahaha." 

"What are you laughing at?" Taylor giggled.

"This fan fiction. I didn't know I could do all these things that the author wrote about me doing." Harry grinned.

"What's it rated?"

"Oh, ya' know....R." he laughed then put his cell phone down, "I think I need to call the lads. Liam said I should go tuxcedo shopping soon."

"Oh yeah? Why's that? I'm sure you could get a tux anytime. I mean, you're Harry Styles."

"He forgets we're famous."

"Ah, right." Taylor put her sparkley pen in the air then scribbled another wedding idea down. 

Now being at an award show in Paris, Taylor and Harry had to put a hold on their wedding plans. "This is so fun!" Taylor giggled while walking on the blue carpet in her short-sparkling mini. Harry wrapped his arm around her waist and turned toward the photographers, "Just ignore what they say, babe."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I can always just write a song." she beamed then kissed his cheek, making him blush, but grin. He was proud to say "Yes, I am dating Taylor Swift." 

"Come on love birds! Time to go inside!" Louis cooed at them. Harry rolled his eyes and took Taylor by her hand. When they got inside, Taylor's agent pulled her one way, and Paul pulled Harry another way. "Argh! What're you doing?" Harry grumbled.

"If you don't want her to be told to die, I suggest you come with me."

"Oh....right." Harry whispered, struggling to keep up with Paul, "Jeez! Stop walking so quickly! I can't keep up in these loafers!" 

"Sorry, lad! We must hurry though! You need to get to make up and hair."

"I thought I did that before we got here."


Harry was confused. Something was going on and he did not know what. Were they doing something to set him up? That was what it most certainly seemed like. He kept questioning Paul but Paul gave him odd answers and continued to pull him toward the hair and make up rooms.

Then Harry saw it. It was three hours later and Taylor was standing there with Conor Mayard? What the hell. "Hey!" Harry exclaimed, hurrying to them, "What's up, man?" he gave Conor a half-hug and forced himself to smile, "So....what's up?"

"Oh, Taylor was just telling me about your engagement. I didn't know that happened."

"You live under a rock?"

"Harry!" Taylor gasped.

"Well, um, someone from your management said that I should talk to I just assumed she had interest in me. I'm sorry, Harry. I didn't mean to cause trouble."

Harry felt steam release from his ears, "What?" he snapped.

Blushing, Taylor stepped back, "Apparently they want us broken up."

"What!" he yelled.

"Calm down."

"I can't calm down! You know what? We're leaving! Now!"

"Now? But Harry! We both have to perform and what about presenting awards and--" Taylor could not finish. Harry tossed her over his shoulder and hurried out, "Shut up, Taylor. I got this." he grinned.

"Oh my God! I am in a mini dress! Put me down!"

"You don't hear me complaining."

Taylor smacked the back of his head and sighed, "I feel like we're disappointing fans!"

"We'll say we have the stomach bug."

"They won't believe that."

"Um, well, I'll tweet it. They will believe it then."

Since they ditched the award show, Harry and Taylor ended up eating scones and drinking coffee in front of the Eiffel Tower. It was later and the tower was lit up beautifully. "Gorgeous huh?" Harry smiled, "Just like you."

"Aw, you're so sweet." Taylor took a bit of her scone and wrinkled her nose, "Staled. Bleh. I miss Starbucks." she laughed.

"Taylor, what do you think of....getting married in Paris."

"I think it would be very romantic. That's what I'm considering to do. Mom is helping me with the plans."

"What do you think of getting"


"You're dressed up, I'm dressed up. It's perfect."

"Without our family and friends?"

"Well, no one will ever know. I think it'd be very special and romantic if we done this."

"Um, well....I would love it....but do you think we can find a priest?"

"Oh, I am sure of it....Mrs. Styles." he grinned.

A/N: Sorry it took me a while to update! Sorry this is a short chapter! A bit of a filler I suppose.  It was kind of sad to write this since they broke up :( But I hope you enjoyed! I will try to have a longer chapter soon but I am in college so I'm a bit busy :-) 


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