Chapter 1: The Club

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"Are you dating?"

"Harry! Taylor! Can we get a comment?" 

"Are you two a couple? Did you spend the night together?"

"Harry! Taylor! Is Haylor real?"

"BAHHH!" Taylor wailed when she tripped over her ballet flat. Harry gasped loudly before he caught her. She clenched onto his muscles, which made the paparazzis coo and comment on how adorable they were. "Hey, Mick. Let us in please?" Harry chuckled. Mick winced. He was the coolest bouncer at that particular club in NYC but....his face looked awkward. "I can't, man. Not until your dude arrives."

"Paul? Wut."

"I gotta wait, man." he sighed, "I'm sorry....I can get ya' away from these paps though."

"That would be great." Harry took Taylor hand and dragged her around the corner to the private pub, "There ya' go, man! Have fun!" Mick waved as he hurried back to the door.

"I think I just broke my foot." Taylor sighed while climbing onto a barstool. She placed her black-sequined clutch upon the table and glared at Harry, "What?"

"Are you okay?" he grinned. 

"Yes. I am fine. Thank you." she smiled as she took out her lipgloss and re-applied. Harry looked around then checked his watch, "The lads are probably already in there. I wonder where Paul is?"

Taylor shrugged as she snapped her clutch shut, "We should have gone to Nashville." she laughed.

"Right. I have nothing in Nashville. Isn't it all country music?"

" have me in Nashville." she winked then felt a bright flash, "Ow!" she shrieked.

"Can you cool it down?!" Harry demanded from the paps outside the window then turned to her again, "Sorry about them. I wonder who they're or me?"

"Probably me." Taylor beamed then checked her cell phone messages, "Oooo, my brother text me....he said 'Hey, I see you on the news with Barry'.....I don't think he knows your name!" she burst out laughing.

"Ah, how convinent." Harry grinned once more then ordered a beer, "You want something?"

"No. Someone needs to be able to steer traffic through the paps." 

"Well, you wanna dance at least?"

"I would murder you on the dance floor!"

"We'll see about that." Harry grabbed her and pulled her close as he lead her out into the mass of people. Taylor laughed loudly and spun around with his help. He pulled her close to his tee shirt and hugged her, "So....I came back." he smiled into her face.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and nodded, "You came back."

His eyes were sparkling. He leaned in and kissed her lips and did not bother pulling away when he felt the flash nearly blind his eyes. He had his perfect girl, in an imperfect world. 

Linkin Park was playing.

People were dancing crazy.

The club reeked of beer and alcohol.

But it was a perfect kiss.

"Ugh, Paul! Finally!" Harry groaned while tugging Taylor along the damp sidewalks of New York City. "Sorry I'm late, Harry! Traffic!"

"Right, right." Harry sighed then pulled Taylor inside the party. "Finally here." he smiled at her. She smiled back, "So should we find the boys?"

Being Haylorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें