Chapter 5: Wedding Bells

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Taylor nearly dropped her tea cup when Andrea screamed. Andrea had been oblivious to the national proposal since her cable was out that night. "HE. PROPOSED. TO. YOU." Andrea heaved. Taylor laughed and nodded, "Yes." she took another sip of her tea, trembling. 

"Well, he's a very lucky boy indeed!"

"Oh, please, Mom. I'm the lucky one. Ha, see what I did there?" Taylor laughed at her own joke.

"Taylor! We must plan a wedding! I want everything to just be perfect for you!"

"Aw, thanks, Mom. I'm sure it will be."

"Where shall the wedding be? We must think of Harry's family as well."

"Well, I know it's soon, but I was thinking Paris." 

"Oooo! Perfect! I have always wanted a Paris wedding!"

"You?" Taylor giggled.

"I mean, I have always wanted it for YOU, dear! Oh! I am so excited!" Andrea clapped then hurried to the den to make some phone calls. Laughing, Taylor finished her tea, then got up and opened the door of her Nashville home to Harry, "Hey. Warning: my mom is going crazy."

"So did my mum." Harry laughed with her then kissed her lips, "Mmm, bake anything?" he grinned, letting himself by.

"Maybe." Taylor beamed then Andrea walked in and threw her arms around Harry, "Welcome to the family, son!"

"Son?!" Taylor gaped, "Gosh, Mom, don't scare him off!"

"Hehehe! Oh! I have Zales on the phone!"

"Zales?" Taylor wrinkled her nose then turned to Harry, "I guess she has Zales on the phone." she shrugged.

Smiling, Harry pulled Taylor into his arms, "I'm so excited."

"Me too." Taylor breathed, "But when are we going to do this?"

"I dunno. I want the lads to be there....and we're prepping for tour."

"Same here. I have to prep for mine....after the tour?"

"Mmm, I hate being away from you that long!" Harry whined.

"Aw, that's so sweet! I'm sure we could see each other inbetween some how. I mean, the dates are close."

"True....can't you just come with me?" he grinned then kissed her again, "Oh well. I suppose I can stand it."

"I'll miss you." 

"I'll miss you more." he pouted.

"No....I'll miss you more....oh, his Meredith!" Taylor giggled. Harry turned to smile at Meredith then saw she was sitting in the corner, with bad posture. He turned to Taylor and smirked, "That cat is strange."

While Andrea researched venues in Paris, Taylor and Harry went shopping in Nashville. "This is my favorite mall." Taylor smiled as she opened the door to Green Hill. Smiling, Harry took the door for her, and let her by, "Looks fancy."

"Mhmm. It is." she agreed then took some pictures with a few fans. Harry was impressed. The girls wanted pictures with Taylor and they were not rude to her when they saw him. The politely asked for a picture with him next. He happily agreed. 

"Wow. People are so friendly in Nashville." Harry chuckled as they walked along through the mall. Taylor smiled again, "Yes. They are."

"So....why did we come here? Is there a bridal store here perhaps?"

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