Chapter 7: Mr. & Mrs. Styles

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"I CANNOT BELIEVE WE DID IT!" Taylor squealed while admiring the rock on her ring finger, "My mom is gonna kill me though! What will Meredith say?" she gasped. Harry blinked, "Meredith is a cat, babe." he chuckled.

"Still! She will have to get used to you! Oh, Harry where are we going to live? We will be moving back and forth so very much."

"I don't mind as long as we can stay married." Harry wrapped his arm around Taylor's shoulders and squeezed, "I am so lucky to Mr. Taylor Swift." he grinned then kissed her cheek. She laughed loudly, "I loved how you just said that!" 

"I think Meredith and I will get along well. We've met before."

"Mhmm. She'll love you, I'm sure." Taylor nodded her head then tucked a hair behind her ear, "So....are we going to tell people that we got married?"

"Hmm, what do you think we should do? I think we should have the honeymoon first." he giggled.

"I somehow knew you would say that." 

"Aw, Taylor, I just love you so much!" Harry grinned then wrapped his arms around her. He breathed in her scent and smiled to himself. He was in love. He knew that much for sure. 

British Awards 2013

"Okay, so what do we tell them?" Taylor whispered as she walked along with Harry down the hotel corridor.

"I dunno yet. Just follow my league. I don't want you to get anymore hate."

"I'm fine." Taylor huffed, "I'm not a little girl."

Grinning, Harry took her hand, and pulled her around the corner where they ran into Louis and Eleanor, "Whoa! Guys, where are you going?" Lou laughed.

"Is this a joke?" Harry chuckled.

"Yes. Sorry. I'm a bit tipsy."

"Taylor, would you help me with my hair?" Eleanor whined.

"You look fine, babe." Louis kissed Eleanor's cheek but she pulled away, "No, I don't! Please, Taylor?"

"Of course, girl! Come on!" Taylor took Eleanor's hand and led her back to her room that she shared with Harry. 

"It's just so frizzy! I dunno what's wrong with it." Eleanor complained as she sat down at the vanity. Taylor grabbed the spray and the comb, "Don't worry. I had curls all my life. I can fix this."

"So how are you and Harry doing?"

"Whoa." Taylor giggled.

"Sorry. I just love you two so much as a couple! You're adorable!"

"Thank you." Taylor smiled while combing, "El, if I told you something, could you swear not to tell anyone?"

"Of course!"

"We got married."

Eleanor's eyes widened, " married?"

"Yes." Taylor breathed.


"Oh....months ago."


"Yes. Sort of. It was when we were in Paris."

"And you haven't told anyone?!"

"No, not yet. Just you. My own mother doesn't even know. I'm afraid to tell."

"Because of everyone disagreeing?"

"Yes. Harry is especially."

"I can tell he really loves you, Taylor."

Smiling, Taylor nodded her head, and finished up Eleanor's hair.

At the award ceremony, Taylor sat on the opposite side of the room from Harry. Harry felt lonely without her. "Cheer up, mate." Liam said. 

"Easy for you to say. You're allowed to sit with your girlfriend." Harry grumbled then tipped back his wine.

"She can have my seat and I'll go sit at her table." Niall offered.

Harry raised his brow, "Are you sure, Niall?"

"Of course! Ed is over there. Kinda depressing being here anyway since you all have girlfriends."

"I owe you, man. We'll find you someone." Harry quickly hugged Niall then they went to Taylor's table where she was sitting with Ellie and Connor Mayard.

Connor Mayard.

Harry took in a deep breath and held it for a moment, "Hey." he finally spoke. Taylor turned and jumped up. She kissed his cheek, "Hey, babe!"

"Niall said he would sit here and you can sit in his seat."

"Oh, are you sure, Niall?" Taylor frowned. Niall glanced down at Connor then grinned at Harry, "I knew he was sitting here."

"I owe you big time then!" Harry slapped him on the back then pulled Taylor back to the boys and their girlfriends.

"Niall is so nice!" Taylor exclaimed as she sat down in her black gown. Harry kissed her cheek and smiled, "He is."

"And I think you were a bit jealous?"

"A tad." Harry laughed then looked at Liam and Danielle then at Louis, Eleanor, Perrie, and Zayn. They were all very nice girls....but Taylor was Harry's queen.

"And the winner is One Direction!"

The boys jumped up and whooped. Taylor clapped loudly and hugged Harry, "I knew you'd win!" she kissed his cheek. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up to the stage with him and the lads. "Harry!" she laughed, stumbling. What was he doing? She felt Niall hug her shoulders, "You shoulda won best international!" he shouted over the clapping and music. 

"Thank you." she choked out. 


He was the first on stage. He grabbed the trophy and held it up, "Thank you all for this! We wouldn't have been anywhere without you! And....can I talk?" he looked at the lads.

They all nodded and snickered at him.

"I also want to thank my beautiful girlfriend. Without her, I wouldn't be who I am. I love you, Taylor." he turned and locked lips with her....and many, many, shouts of disapproval came from the crowd.



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