Chapter 11: Nashville

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"She keeps staring at me, Taylor! Come back in here!" Harry called in his scratchy-morning voice. Meredith was sitting on her basket bed, staring at Harry. He was shirtless. His tattoos were showing. His hair was touseled. "She just thinks you look sexy." Taylor laughed as she came back in, wearing her robe. She sat down next to Harry and sighed, "Well, Mom said she would meet us for lunch. Are you up for that or should I make it dinner?"

"Lunch is fine." Harry smiled, rubbing her back. "But wait, will your dad be there?"

"No, it's just Mom. Dad has a meeting for work today."

"What about your brother? He was never too fond of me."

"No, he wasn't....but he likes you. He's like that with all my boyfriends."

"Promise?" Harry eyed her then Meredith jumped up onto him, "Oomph! Now does she like me?"

"Hehe, I don't know." Taylor scratched Meredith's head then stood up, "I'm going to shower. Will you feed Meredith?"

"She bit me last time I did that."

"Well, don't put your fingers close to her."

"She bit my bloody ankle!"

"Please, Harry?" Taylor batted her eye lashes then disappeared into her overly large bathroom. Large enough for two people, which Harry enjoyed picturing now. 

He finally got out of bed and went to feed Meredith, "Come on." he grumbled, stumbling over her, "Jeez! You're like a child!"

"Meowwww." Meredith responded.

"Mhmm. Exactly." Harry grabbed a can of Fancy Feast from the cubbard and poured it into Meredith's expensive-monogrammed food bowl. He did not get bitten. "Thank you for not biting me." he chuckled and patted her head while she enjoyed her breakfast.

The fans were very sweet in Nashville. Harry was amazed. He was so happy that everyone wanted pictures with Taylor instead of him for a change. He wanted to make sure she felt loved and cared for. Smiling, he handed the fan's camera back to her, and took Taylor's hand, "Can I hold your hand?"

"Of course. Mom knows." Taylor smiled. 

"She does?"

"We're famous. Word travels fast. She text me and said she was sobbing. She wants to have dinner later. Is that all right?" 

"Of course, Tay! I would love to have dinner with your mum."

Beaming, Taylor kissed Harry's cheek, "Another good thing about Nashville, we don't have paparazzi."

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