Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"Harry Styles, you are beautiful inside and out. You don't realize what effect you have on girls, especially me. Your face, body, personality, and accent is just perfect." Harry's smile grows more wide as I continue to talk, "Your voice is amazing. It needs to be heard. So go out there and make directioners proud, more proud then they already are of you." Harry's eyes begin to water, "That's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you." Harry leans down to lightly press his full lips to my forehead. "You better go get in your seats. I want to see your gorgeous face in the front row." I awkwardly laugh, "About that.. I don't have my tickets." Harry's eyebrows rise in confusion, "Did you lose them? Did you leave them at your condo?" I shake my head no, "I gave them away.. to fans waiting outside." I pull on Harry's hands until we're at the curtain. I release his hand to slightly pull back the material. I point to Rebecca and Mariah, "There they are." Harry giggles, "You continue to amaze me." Niall yells from behind us, "Harry? We have last minute preparations." Harry turns around and holds up his pointer finger, "One second." I start to back up towards the stairs, "I guess I'm going to go home now. You'll do great. I know it." Harry places his hands on my forearms, stopping me from walking, "No, please stay. You can watch from backstage." I glance over to the boys, they seem to be getting impatient. "Okay, I'll be here." Harry quickly kisses me, "I love you." I reply, "And I love you." I watch Harry as he walks away with the boys. They turn the corner, out of my sight. A few seconds later, Harry pops his head out to smile at me. I'm guessing he's checking I'm still here. Harry then disappears from my sight again. I walk back to the curtain; the arena is almost completely full now. The lights go dark and waves of screaming strike my eardrums. "Loud huh?" I turn my face to see Ed Sheeran. I smile, "Very loud." Ed replies, "It's time for me to go on. Wish me luck!" I yell, "Good luck," as he walks through the curtain. He yells back, "Thanks Lily!" I could pass out right now, he remembered my name. 

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