25 | criminal minds

Start from the beginning

"No one knew I was under the floor my whole life, I think we're okay." She assured.

We kept crawling the rest of the 20 feet until we dropped out of camp, literally we were falling out of camp. Not too far though. We begin walking closer to where 300 dead grounders awaited us.

We finally see it.

A field of death.

It looked like more than 300 people. They were all just laying there, dead, obviously. But still, it was shocking to see.

It hurt knowing Bellamy was the cause.

He did this. He fucking did this.

Octavia and I walk in silence past the bodies. The flies swarming around the bloody wounds. The buzzing was fucking disgusting.

I couldn't see Octavias face but by the look of her shoulders she was disgusted. Not in the dead bodies per say, but, the fact that Bellamy had done this. She and I were thinking the exact same thoughts I just know it.

We see 4 guards standing outside a tent in the middle of the field, maybe Lexa was there? Why else would there be guards?

We walk closer to the tent and the guards let us pass. As soon as we open the tent we see Clarke, Lexa and Cameron and an injured Indra sitting, I don't think I've ever seen her sit before.

"Avery?" Cameron speaks.

"Octavia? Wheres Kane?" Clarke adds.

"He sent us." Octavia responds, walking towards Clarke. Indra was alive. She was shot, but alive.

"What the hell happened?" I ask Cameron. He looks pained, I mean of course 300 of his people are dead it makes sense.

"They attacked while we slept. Not we as in me but Indra. Bellamy let her live." He explains. He almost sounded like Bellamy. He had no expression in his voice. I tried to read his eyes but I couldn't as well as I could read Bells.

"How did this happen?" Lexa spits.

"Kane lost the election to Pike." Octavia announces.

"Fucking idiots. People voted for him. Our people voted for this shit." I add.

"Everything's different." Octavia finishes.

"Your people voted for this?" Lexa snarled. She was clearly only focussed on one thing, death to the Skaikru and I don't blame her.

"No. No. I don't believe that." Clarke worried. She turns to Octavia for reassurance.

"What do you know, Clarke? You haven't been here." Octavia snapped. She turns to Clarke eyeing her with that cold look. She crossed her arms to intimidate Clarke but the blonde knew that Octavia wouldn't hurt her.

"Listen to me. The grounder army is gonna be here in less than a day. I need to see Bellamy." She insists.

"Like that's gonna help." I mumbled.

"Bellamy was a part of this. He's with Pike. What makes you think he'll help us?" Octavia questions.

"He saved Indra's life." Clarke rebuttals. "If what they are saying is true, then Pike trusts him. If I can get to him, he can get to Pike."

"Clarke I don't mean to burst your bubble but Octavia and I couldn't even get to him. He's gone." I sneered. She really thinks she can.

"You can't just walk through the gates, Clarke. You've been living with their enemy. If it were me, I'd kill you on the spot." Lexa preached. She was upset, more than Cameron. Maybe.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now