🍄Only four of us🍄

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Valorie waltzes in holding a large sword, she swings the door shut behind her.

"So you know then."
She says, almost too calmly.

"You mean how you've captured hundreds of people including your own?"
Shouts Sam, this question purely rhetorical.

"People started asking questions, and questions are far more powerful than any blade."
Says Valorie glancing at her weapon before looking back at the people.

"Why don't you carry a quiz then?"
Giggles Calida.

"Because a quiz couldn't cut of your limbs like butter."
Valorie's face remains blank. Calida coughs and rubs her arm.

"You've been poisoning your allies using essence from the crystal."
States Anya. Valorie pays no attention to her.

"So you found Tara."
She says, her gaze falls upon the body of the poor girl she had poisoned. Tara manages to open her eyes and sees the red haired woman stood before her.

"I will no longer, be your slave."
She spat before closing her eyes to rest again.

"Oh boo hoo."
She cries sarcastically.

She looks around at everyone. Then at the crystal.

"It's what's been keeping you in control, you've drained the power from the crystal."
Says Charlotte.

Valorie looks at her and laughs.

"Your all criticising me for taking its power, yet your about to do the same."
She leaves everyone speechless as they look at each other.

"This is different."
Says Ajax speaking for everyone.

Shouts Valorie suddenly, making them all jump.

"How, boy, is this different, your going to take its power and use it for yourselves, just as I did."
She screeches.

"But we'll use it for good."
Says Calida.

"When four of us gain powers, we will be able to stop you."
Alvaro stands tall.

Valorie whispers.

Asks Terran.

Valorie looks up flicking her wrist and opening her hand, a ball of swirling after erupts from her hand,

She giggles, closing her hand and flicking some water droplets at Arla.

"Your the descendant?"
Says Arla, disappointed she wasn't.

"Come now Arla don't be disappointed, you didn't expect you the girl with no one, to be, special, did you?"
She tilts her head and smiles as a tear silent,y falls from Arla's eye. Terran clutches her hand.

"She not alone."
She says glaring at Valorie who looks down at their hands and laughs.

She laughs.

"Enough talking, cease them."
She says as a group of guards burst's through the door. Charlotte begins to panic and shouts.

She shouts.

Everyone dives forward and clutches the crystal.

Valorie shouts as swirls of colour burst out from the crystal and the room begins to shake. Valorie and the guards are thrown backwards and look up at them, they all all on with all their might. Screams come from the rock as the colour begins to erupt faster and stronger from the stone.

Slowly everyone releases and stumbles backwards. They all lay on the floor and even the Scorpio people pause.

Calida looks up and around. She clutches her head and a smell of burning comes from her hair, she screeches and drops her hand, Alvaro laughs at the hand print she has burned in her head. She turns her hand over, a small flame blazes from her palm. She looks around smiling.

The twins groan and Anya stands up, she looks down at her brother and offers her hand, as she does so, a gust of wind sends her flying back into the wall.

She rubs her back and Ajax looks over at her and points laughing, at this another gust of wind blows and he flies back and hits the crystal. He falls to the floor rubbing his back.

Anya says marvelling at her hands.

Rhea full of excitement stands and pushes her hands out. Nothing happens. She looks at them and tries again. Nothing.

"Dam it."
She screams and stops her foot.

Terran stands up helping Arla, he does the same as Rhea and shrugs as nothing happens. All eyes fall on Charlotte, she stands up and looks at her hands she angles one at the floor and slowly raises it, slowly and tower of rocks sprouts from the floor, a golden flower on the top. She looks around smiling.

"Better luck next time Rhea."
Laughs Calida tossing a ball of fire from hand to hand, Rhea pokes her tongue out and rolls her eyes.

"Cease them!"
Shouts Valorie.

Ajax panics and throws his arms out in front of him. The two who where coming for him are thrown backwards. Valorie ducks and the sound of bones breaking echos in the cave.

"That's gonna hurt."
Says Calida, she launches up the ball of fire she has and chucks it in the direction of two other guards. Valorie throws a stream of water and makes her slip. Valorie sees Charlotte and runs towards her, Charlotte sweeps her hands in front of her and a circle of rocks builds itself around Valorie. Charlotte stamps back and the ground begins to shake, everyone looks at her.

She smiles.

Shouts Rhea, who jumps over the body's of the soldiers, everyone follows her back up the stairs Alvaro lifts up Tara and carries her, A splash of water erupts from the rock cage Charlotte had built around Valorie breaks open. Anya turns around and notices, she send a strong breeze in her direction and she flies across the room.

Anya shouts before slamming the door and running up the stairs.

Back upstairs, the three with powers use them to free the people, they lead them out of the castle, causing a commotion in the ball room, people flee from the scene and the many injured people the 9 hero's stand at the front gates of the kingdom and await the moment that the battle would begin.

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Favourite shape?

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