Chapter 31 The article

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Harrys pov

The article had appeared ten days ago. Skeeter had reported me saying an awful lot of things that he couldn't remember ever saying in his life, let alone in that broom cupboard.

"I suppose I get my strength from my parents. I know they'd be very proud of me if they could see me now....Yes, sometimes at night I still cry about them, I'm not ashamed to admit it....I know nothing will hurt me during the tournament, because they're watching over me..."

But Rita Skeeter had gone even further than transforming my "er's" into long, sickly sentences. She had interviewed other people about me too.

"Harry has at last found love at Hogwarts. His close friend, Colin Creevey, says that Harry is rarely seen with out y/n McGonagall, a stunningly pretty girl who is the granddaughter of Minerva McGonagall, like Harry, is one of the top students in the school."

From the moment the article had appeared, I have had to endure people Slytherins, mainly quoting it at him as he passed and making sneering comments.

"Want a hanky, Potter, in case you start crying in Transfiguration?"

"Since when have you been one of the top students in the school, Potter? Or is this a school you and Longbottom have set up together?"

Y/n yells at them for saying it. She's amazing but I tell her to ignore it.


Y/n's pov

On the Saturday before the first task, all students in the third year and above were permitted to visit the village of Hogsmeade.

"What about Ron, though?" he says. "Don't you want to go with him?"

"Oh...well..."Hermione went slightly pink. "I thought we might meet up with him in the Three Broomsticks...."

"No," says Harry flatly.

"Oh Harry, this is so stupid -"

"Hermione what if you go with Ron and I will stay with harry."

"Oh alright."

Hermione heads of to find Ron. Harry And I head off to hogsmeade hand in hand.

"Harry I know why you are not talking to Ron but he's been your best friend for four years just talk to him."

"Y/n drop it."

I sigh.

"So where off to first."

Harry smiles and drags me twords the three broomsticks. He orders two butterbeers and gets us a table.

"Thanks harry."

"No problem."

We start to drink our butterbeers and talk. I was talking about how Amaret was acting weird when I noticed that harry was starting at me.



"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face."

"Ya you actually do."

" Where."

"Right there let me just."

He moves his face closer to mine. His hand up to my face. He uses his thumb to wip my bottom lip. His emerald green eyes meet my e/c eyes. He breaks eye contact by looking at my lips then back at my eyes.

A flash makes us snap our heads away from each other.

"Keep that that will be in out next article."

It was Rita skeeter harry told me about her. He and her camera man goes and sits in a table next to us.

"Me murder her now." I say pulling out my wand.

Harry gabs it and puts it in his pocket.

"No you can't go to azkaban I already told you that."

"Your no fun pillow."

He laughs as I slouch in my chair. We finish our butterbeers and go to the castle. I see Neville standing knee deep in the lake. I go say hi and harry follows.

"Hey Neville."

"Hi y/n."

I sit down with my back on a tree harry sits next to me. Neville starts talking about plants. I lay my head on harry shoulder while listening to Neville.

After 30 minute Neville waves to someone. Harry gets up I just turn and see it's Ron, Hermione, and ginny.

Ron wispers something to Hermione and she comes up to harry.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvarti that Hagrid's looking for you."

"Is that right? Well... what?" Harry says looking confused.

" Uh... Dean was told by Parvarti... please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's looking for you."

"Well you can tell Ronald..."

"I'm not an owl!"

With that she storms away.

"Well harry you should go."

"Ok." He comes back to were I'm sitting grabs his things,kisses my head, and leaves.

I sit there in shock as Neville goes back to his plants.

Did harry just. I what does that mean. Does he like me?

I know we aren't even half way through fourth year but I already have plans for next year.
Au revoir ❤️
Word count: 797

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