Chapter 7 Beginning of the school year

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Y/n's pov

The day had finally came. It was the first day of school. I woke up that morning to my grandma shaking me.

"Y/n come on wake up I need help setting up my class room."

"I'm up grandma Minnie."

"Good now once your done getting ready come to my class room."

"Ok ok."

She walks out. I get out of bed. Should I make my bed. Nah. I go to my dresser and grab a over sized hoodie and leggings.I grab my watch off of my night stand and put it on. I'll change into my robes later. I walk out of my room and down to my grandma's class room.

"Good your here can you help me move my tables into their places."

"Can't we just use magic grandma."

" Yes we can but we are not going to."


"Because we can't just use magic for everything."


So for the next half an hour I helped my grandma fix her class room. After we finish I realized that I did not eat breakfast.

"Bye grandma Minnie I'm going to go get food from the kitchen."


I walk out of her classroom and off to the kitchen. I get to the kitchen and Dobby comes up to me. I meet Dobby on one of my late night snake runs.

"Hello Dobby."

"Hello Ms. McGonagall is there something Dobby can do for you."

Why is he so sweet. He's the best.

"Yes I missed breakfast can I have a red apple."

"Of course Ms. McGonagall."

The little house elf scurries away. A couple seconds later he comes back.

"Here you are Ms. McGonagall."

"You can call me y/n Dobby."

Dobby smiles.

"Is there anything else Ms. Y/n."

"No thank you Dobby bye."

"Goodbye Ms. y/n"

I walk out of the kitchen and bit my apple. I check my watch. It's 8:50 the train leaves in about 2 hours then they all get here around 7 so I have 11 hours to do something. I finish my apple and go out side to see hagrid and buckbeak. I get to his hut. After I knock he opens the door.

"Hel'lo y/n co'me in."

"Hey hagrid I have 11 hours to burn can I help you with anything."

"Ther'e is somethi'ng I need your help with.

He leads me out side to buckbeak.

"I ne'ed to clip his n'ails so he doesn't hurt an'yone."

"What do I do."

"Ke'ep 'im calm he don't like it."

I get some dead ferrets to feed to him. After an hour of getting scratched,running back to Hagrid's hut to get dead ferrets,and moving clippings hagrid sends me up to madam pomfre so she can clean up my scratches. I go up to the hospital wing.

"What did you do this time y/n did you fall off the whomping willow again.

" No I was helping hagrid with buckbeak."

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