You Don't Deserve Quirks

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"Hah you found a pipsqueak, he'll be fun to mess around with," the woman laughed. Izuku was losing his consciousness. Izuku couldn't breath and every time he tried to loosen the man's grip it only tightened. Izuku had to do something to, anything to try and prevent incredibly pain and potential death.

Their QUIRKS! It hit Izuku like a freight train. He can take the man's quirk. It was the reason the man had yet to let go. But how did he do it again? He grabbed them but Izuku was doing that now and he had yet to steal the man's quirk. He could try somewhere else, not like he has an option.

Izuku pulled himself up as much as he could and used his other hand to try and reach up. He put his hand on his attackers face and gripped it tight. He felt a rush of adrenaline fill him as something entered him. It was something natural but different, flexible yet stiff at the same time as that feeling dropped into Izuku.

Izuku gasped for breath as the man who was holding him slumped to the ground. Izuku held his neck and felt a few more cuts than there were before. Izuku was coughing and wheezing as he desperately tried to bring the air back into his lungs that was deprived from him for too long. Izuku shakily pushed himself up. He was low on energy but still able to move. 

Out of curiosity, Izuku tried activating his new quirk. But immediately upon doing so he felt an immense amount of pain. His iron bones didn't want to comply with what Izuku wanted to do with them. The quirks must be clashing together, making Izuku unable to activate the bone manipulation quirk.

Izuku looked up and all four others were staring at him. The girl who was probably his sister looked furiously. She grabbed something out of her pocket and Izuku's eyes widened when he realised it was a knife.

"What the hell did you do to him brat!" the woman yelled. Izuku wondered if being stabbed in the arm would hurt him with his iron bones, but he wasn't exactly keen on testing the idea. But instead of the woman charging, she cut her own hand. This confused Izuku until fire appeared in her hand. The woman threw the fire at Izuku.

Izuku's eyes widened but he reacted fast enough. Izuku turned into a lightning bolt and zoomed backwards. Izuku hit the wall and reverted back. Izuku stared at the girl who looked even angrier that he had avoided the attack. The woman raised her hand that was covered in blood. Izuku watched as blood watched as her blood quickly formed into a gun.

She must have a creation type quirk where she can make multiple things from her blood. Including that gun. She pointed it at Izuku. 

Izuku should really run away, turn into a lightning bolt and escape from this whole situation. But the girl on the ground Izuku couldn't ignore. Despite the fact she didn't have any emotion, she was obviously being attacked until Izuku got there. So Izuku starred down the barrel of the gun and turned into electricity again.

She shot the bullet but it obviously missed Izuku. Izuku then appeared again but this time, he was in the air. Izuku kneed the girl directly in the face. She gasped in shock before quickly falling to the floor unconscious. Izuku quickly went up to her and grabbed her face. He felt a weird goop type feeling go into his body. But there wasn't exact feeling, like it was constantly changing.

Izuku stood up and looked at the two thugs. The man with purple patches of skin then came up to Izuku. His hands that had purple skin turned into purple tentacles and stretched out to attack Izuku. The tentacles grabbed Izuku's hands and grabbed his neck. Izuku started to choke again, except this time was a lot stronger.

Izuku felt like his head was about to pop off. Izuku couldn't try and loosen it as the tentacles also held his hands. Izuku tried to think of more ways to save himself as his weak shocking power wasn't doing anything. 

Izuku Yagi - All For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora