2. Ending

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Sangwoos POV

Sangwoo steps outside the hospital building into the broad autumn sun. He squints his eyes, when the sunbeams hit his face.
*He is not here!*
The release was pretty spontaneous - they only told him today, that he would be released. Sangwoo called Bum and he said he would come as soon as possible to pick him up, but he was still working when he was on the phone with Sangwoo.
Sangwoos heart races and a thin layer of sweat appears on his forehead.
Even though the sun is shining, the air already feels like winter is coming.
He wipes the cold sweat away with his sleeve and sits down on the stairs that lead to the entrance of the hospital.
*What if he is not coming?*
Sickness is starting to spread in his stomach.
*What if he just doesn't show up?*
His foot taps restlessly on the stone floor, while his eyes search the streets for people passing by.
He has absolutely no idea, what he would do if Bum doesn't come.
*I can't go home...*
Sangwoo breathes slowly, trying to get his nausea under control.
He doesn't know exactly how long he has been sitting there waiting, but the sun already moved much further, when finally a car stops right in front of the stairs that he is seated on.
The car door opens and Bum appears.
For a second, Sangwoo lowers his face into the palm of his hands and takes a deep breath - his hear beats fast against his chest.
*I need to stop questioning Bums loyalty. He'll always be there for me and I will always be there for him...*
When he looks up, he sees Bum standing in front of him, his cheeks look red probably because he was in a hurry to get here. Sangwoo stands up and immediately pulls Bum into a tight hug, finally feeling a heavy weight being lifted off his chest.
Bums fingers dig into Sangwoos shirt and hold him tight.
While hugging Bum tightly, Sangwoo buries his face into his scarf, inhaling his scent.
„I'm so sorry, you had to wait! I had to wait for a coworker to take my shift and Poppy had to go into break to be able to drive me and pick you up."
Sangwoo freezes in place for just a second before he lifts his head and sees a colorful girl standing there and looking at him and Bum with a smile on her lips.
There is no particular reason why Sangwoo felt the way he felt when he looks at her, but it's her expression that bothers him the most. People might think her smile is genuine and she looks happy for Sangwoo and Bum, but Sangwoo feels like he can see through her masquerade.
When he looks down at Bum, there is an apologetic expression on his face that Sangwoo knows too well.
He leans down to Bum and puts his lips against Bums.
It's been over a month that he was able to kiss Bum, but having someone else there watchinh them, ruins this moment that should have been perfect.
He tries to focuse on Bums soft lips and on his hands, that pull him closer, but he can't.
Right before they end their kiss, Sangwoo looks up at Poppy.
Her smile is now gone and she quickly looks away, when her eyes meet Sangwoos.
*What do you want from my Bum?*
„Let's go Home!", Bums voice is quiet and there is a relieved smile on his lips.
Sangwoo nods in agreement and walks towards the car, carrying his bag over his shoulder while holding Bums hand with his free one.
When they get closer to the car, Bum starts introducing them.
„This is Poppy, my coworker. And this is Sangwoo, my boyfriend!" When Sangwoo hears how proud Bums weak, quiet voice sounds, he cannot hide a smile any longer. His heart races from excitement, when he hears Bum calling him his boyfriend.
„Nice to meet you! Bum talked so much about you, I'm super happy you guys are reunited!", Poppy smiles bright and her voice sounds so euphoric and way too loud for Sangwoos liking.
He immediately dislikes her personality even more, after hearing her voice.
Before saying anything, Sangwoo looks down on Poppy's hand that she reaches out for him to take.
His first reaction is to squeeze Bums hand with his fingers and not let go. He bows his head slightly.
„Thank you for picking me up!"
Poppy blushes and puts her hand back into her jeans pocket.
„Oh, of course. Let's get in! I bet you can't wait to see the new apartment and to be alone with Bum!", Poppy smiles, her cheeks still red.
It's silent after they all got into the car. The only sound that is audible is the sound of the engine.
Sangwoo looks out the window, watching the buildings pass by, while caressing Bums hand with his thumb.
It's been so long that he sat in a car.
Of course, Poppy could not stand the silence and had to turn the radio on.
After just a few seconds, she starts talking to Bum about something that happened at work the other day.
Sangwoo tries to breath slowly, but ignoring someone as loud and annoying as Poppy is impossible.
The fact that Bum sounds exciting while answering her and seems to be completely unbothered by Poppy's personality makes this even more bothersome.
Sangwoo stay quiet while mostly Poppy talks, getting a response from Bum once in a while. It seems like they both forgot that Sangwoo is in the same car with them.
His heart continues ponding against his chest violently, but he tries to ignore it just like he tries to ignore Poppy's voice.
One thought solidifies in Sangwoos mind -
*I have to get rid of her.*

Useless People - A Killing Stalking Psychiatry AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt