Time to choose

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One week later
Bums POV

Bum was anticipating this day for three whole weeks now - today, he is finally able to visit Sangwoo.
Bum looks at himself in the mirror, contemplating if he likes what he sees.
It's hard to fathom how much has changed in such a small amount of time.
His hand brushes through his freshly cut hair, while he looks at himself through the mirror. A shy smile lingers on his lips.
Even if it is simple, Bum really likes the outfit he is wearing today - black pants, a black belt and a black turtleneck, combined with a beige trench coat.
*Non of this would be possible without Poppy!*
When he thinks about his co-worker, Bum becomes extremely grateful. He still doesn't understand, why she was so nice to him and helped him so much.
*It makes no sense, but I stopped questioning it!*

It's been exactly one week, since Bum was released from the hospital. Even before his date of release, he was able to plan everything with the help of his social worker.
„Are you sure, you want to start working right away? I think the best way for long lasting success would be to start slow and to not put too much pressure onto yourself!"
Bum remembers her words very well, but his determination was greater then any doubts he had - he wanted to be independent and most importantly, he wanted to make Sangwoo, and himself, proud.

Bums new boss, the owner of a small convenience store, showed him around on his first day.
„I don't expect you to know everything from the start. Take your time, use your first few days to get used to the store and if you have any question, you can always ask Poppy!", the old man explained with a friendly smile on his lips.
Bum didn't know many old men in his life, to be able to compare his boss to, but if he thought about his uncle - aggressive, impatient, rude - this man seemed to be the complete opposite.
And then, there was Poppy, his co-worker.
Again, Bum never met someone like her.
Poppy has curly, short hair, that was colored in a pastel purple, while her sides where cut short.
Before Bum met Poppy, he didn't know it was possible to have this many earrings at once.
While Bum was shown around by his new boss, Poppy's eyes followed him constantly.
First, Bum was scared to talk to her, because she seemed to be so much cooler then him.
*I can tell by just looking at her, that she doesn't care about other peoples opinions.*
„Hey, nice to meet you, Bum!", Poppy smiled bright and looked excited while she bowed slightly to greet him.
Immediately, all nervousness disappeared. From that moment on, Poppy did not stop talking. Her bubbly personality and her open character left no room for Bum to be scared to talk to her.

„Your feet will hurt like hell in the beginning from standing all day, but that will go away over time!", Poppy explained while offering Bum a cigarette.
That day was especially cold for this time of the year, but Bum wanted to accompany Poppy, when she asked him if he wanted to smoke.
*I don't want to waste money on something useless like smoking, but she insisted to offer me her cigarettes.*
Bum nods, as he can already feel his feet hurting.
„When you come home today, you should stand in cold water for a while and after that put your feet up!", she suggested and smiled at Bum.
Bum smiled back a little shy.
Poppy looked so unique - Bum liked her freckles the most.
*I kinda want to draw her...*
He looked down on his cigarette, still feeling her eyes on him.
*What is she looking at exactly? Maybe the fading bruises on my face? Or is she judging me, because I'm so much skinnier then her? Or maybe she just finds me weird and can't stop starring.*
Yet again, Bum wished he would just not care about what other people thought about him.
„Wow, how on earth did it get so cold so quickly?", Poppy says after a while and laughed carefree.
„Hey, I have this one trench coat at home, that I used to wear all the time. It's unisex and it should be exactly your size. Would you like to have it?"
Bum looked up, meeting Poppy's eyes.
„Please don't think I'm offering you trash, it's a high quality coat that I bought second hand. I hate fast fashion and I think wearing second hand is kinda cool! If you don't want it, it's no problem, Bum!", Poppy adds quickly after she saw Bums reaction.
Bum smiled softly.
He did not have any winter clothes.
*I barely have any clothes!*
When Poppy mentioned the Trenchcoat, Bums first reactions was not to feel pitied.
He felt understood.
*She had the same size as me?*
For a split second his eyes travel down to her body. She is far from being big, but for Korean standards people might judge her and call her chubby.
*I think she is beautiful!*
Maybe one day, just like Poppy, he would be able to not wear her coat anymore, because it won't fit.
*One day!*
„Thank you so much!"

Useless People - A Killing Stalking Psychiatry AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt