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⚠️TW Assault, Selfharm, Abuse ⚠️

(Bum POV)
In the past, there were a few times where Bum experienced moments of discociating with his own body and environment, but this time was different.
Everything felt off. Nothing felt the way it should feel.
He looks Sangwoo into his eyes and sees his empty gaze, the tense expression in his face and then, one second later, Bum gets tackled to the floor by him.
Bums head hits the ground hard and only a split second later, Sangwoos fist hits his cheekbone, his nose, his chin.
It should hurt like hell. *It should...*
Bum remembers how he was beaten up in school countless times, mostly by several people at once and by people much bigger and stronger then him. He remembers how much it hurt whenever his uncle punched him.
So many times people hurt him physically and mentally, but now, he doesn't feel the same.
The pain does not come and even when he can taste the blood in his mouth, he yet has to feel any pain.
After only a few seconds, Sangwoo gets dragged away from him and Bum can finally gaps for air.
His vision is too blurry to see how many nurses are holding Sangwoo back. It has to be at least five.
„No!", Bum mumbles, but his mouth feels numb.
He tries to get up, but his head is spiraling.
„NO!", he tries again, louder this time.
Bum blinks, trying to clear his vision. Finally, he can see Sangwoos face.
His expression is that of pure terror. It's so different from the face Bum saw just seconds ago.
A sudden coldness hits Bums core and freezes the blood in his veins, when he hears Sangwoo shouting for him.
And with this last scream, Sangwoo is out of sight and reach.
*I need to get up quickly! I need to-*
He tries to get up, pushing himself off the ground with both hands. This is when he sees blood on the floor and realizes it's his own.
Suddenly, Bum feels two hand holding him tight and helping him up on his feet.
He is too busy, scanning the crowded room for Doctor Kim to see who helped him up.
Finally, he makes him out in the crowd several feet away from him.
„Doctor Ki-", Bum lifts his arm trying to get the doctors attentions, when someone abruptly yanks his arm back, causing Bum to wheel around, facing Jimin.
„Bum, you look horrible! Come let me help you!", her expression is so forced, her disingenuous concern reminds Bum of the terrible movies that his grandma used to watch.
*How dare you touch me, how dare you talk to me after what you did to Sangwoo!*
Jimin pulls Bum towards the office, her fingers wrapped tightly around his wrist. He follows her just for two steps before he yanks his hand, freeing himself from her grip.
„You will pay for what you did!"
Now, in this moment, Bum feels so confident. He knows exactly what he has to do - he has to make sure that Sangwoo gets the help he needs and that Jimin will pay for everything she did.
„What did you say?", Jimin asks and tilts her head. Any concern vanishes from her face and a stone cold expression replaces it.
Bum leans closer to her, fighting the urge to bump his head against hers.
„I said, you will pay for what you did! If you think you could get away with this, you're dumber then you look!"
Jimins eyes widen, while she listens to Bum. He can visibly see how hard she tries to comprehend what's happening. Maybe she expected Bum to get behind her viscious plan, but she definitely didn't expect Bum to talk back in this manner.
Before Jimin can open her mouth to react to what Bum said, Doctor Kim appears next to them. Her expression tells Bum that she is nervous.
„Bum, are you okay?" Doctor Kim turns Bum gently towards himself, to look into his eyes.
*I really hope I can trust him!*
„I need to talk to you, Doctor Kim. It's urgent!", Bum begs, his voice is now shaky and weak.
*I need to be able to fix this, please there has to be a way!*
Doctor Kim nods seriously, and quickly walks to his office, followed by Bum, leaving Jimin behind.
As soon as they enter the office, eventually the pain starts setting in. A powerful headache caused Bum to feel dizzy and his nose hurts so bad, as if it was crushed into thousand pieces.
„I have to first check your face, Bum!", Doctor Kim says and Bum can tell, even if he tries to hide it, the concern still remains in his voice.
He puts his fingers on Bums cheek bones and nose, causing Bum to whimper.
„Nothing is broken, but you have a wound on your lip. It's small, but it should get stitched.", Doctor Kim explaines his expression is apologetic.
All Bum can do is nod.
*I don't care. I really don't*
Nothing matters to him right now, nothing but to help Sangwoo.
He doesn't know much about meds and how they work, but he knows for sure, that Jimin must have given him something very strong that didn't mix well with his normal medication.
*Maybe he is still in danger, some side-effects are deadly, right?*
His hands are shaking, while Doctor Kim fixes his lower lip with only two stitches.
„It's done, I'll give you some pain killer next, you must be in so much pain..."
„No, wait!"
Bum grabs doctor Kim by the sleeve of his white coat, before he is able to turn around.
„Please, it's really urgent. I have to explain the situation to you, before you give me anything!" Bum swallows hard, his throat feels extremely dry.
Doctor Kim nods and watches Bum attentively.
Bum takes a deep breath, thinking about where to start.
„Sangwoos behavior was not normal, Doctor Kim. Yesterday he was completely fine and happy and friendly, but then later that day, he suddenly started feeling sick and dizzy. He threw up and he had high fever." Bum stops himself taking another deep breath.
*I hope I make sense!*
„I believe that, his fever and his sickness are side-effects. I think that nurse Jimin did this to him!"
*Do I sound insane? How can I sound more sane?*
Bum immediately feels sick, when he sees Doctor Kim's expression change. Just a second ago, he looked at Bum with serious interest, but now his expression is just shocked and doubtful.
„Please, I can explain further, please listen!", Bum begs, tears running down his face, as he still pulls on Doctor Kim's sleeve.
„Sangwoo and Jimin had an affair and I think she was getting mad at him, when he stopped seeing her. All of this, the way he suddenly reacts so aggressively, this is not normal, please Doctor Kim, you have to believe me!"
Doctor Kim takes a deep breath and puts his free hand on Bums.
„Bum, I feel horrible for what happened to you today. I feel very guilty, because I was the one who suggested to put both of you into one room and now you have to suffer the consequences of my bad decisions. I'm deeply sorry, Bum!"
„NO! Please, it's true! Please, isn't there a way to track the medicine used on the patients? Can't you see if someone switched medications or if something is missing?"
Doctor Kim presses his lips together, causing his skin to turn white.
„You don't think it's possible, Sangwoo might have just stopped taking his medication on purpose? He could have thrown up after taking them."
Bum shakes his head resolute and immediatly regrets it as the room around him starts spinning.
„I have proof that they had an affair, if that's what you need! I'm scared for Sangwoos safety, what if those side effects are dangerous?"
Doctor Kim nods slowly.
„Okay, I will look at the proof you have, Bum. But I can't help but to hope that you are wrong. If this is true and one of our nurses abused her power like this...", he shakes his head.
Bum gets up from his chair and his legs immediately start shaking.
Doctor him gets a hold of Bums arm and helps him to stand up straight.
„Bum, you will have to rest, after we are done! You are still covered in blood!"
Bum looks up at Doctor Kim and sees how uncomfortable he is.
He seems to see how determine Bum is and quickly adds.
„Let's not waste any time!"

Useless People - A Killing Stalking Psychiatry AUWhere stories live. Discover now