Lonely Day

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Five seconds later. „BUM!"
He flinches and turns around.
„Yes?" Bum looks up to the nurse with big eyes. *Did I space out again?*
„It's dinner time! Come eat with the others.", says the Nurse called Shanon. She gives Bum a wrinkly smile and leaves his room.
With the others.
*I'll pass.*
The breakfast he ate must be enough,
he doesn't even feel hungry at all.
And now that everyone is gathering in the dining room, he finally has some time for himself.
Time to reflect. Think about what his life has become and how to go on.
*It's not like I have many options*
He looks at the picture he drew during art therapy. He tried his very best to draw Jenny the way he remembers her.
*I'm starting to forget the details*
But he remembers her big brown eyes very well. Her full lips, her beautiful thick brown hair. Thinking about her makes his heart race fast.
He knows he is not suppose to think about her too much because that's what got him here to begin with. But how could he not.
Her last words to him were so hateful.
*You are so disgusting, you pervert freak!*
Bum sighs. Her words were suppose hurt
him but he was just so used to being called names, it doesn't effect him much anymore.
What effected him though, was her look.
*She looked at me like she hates me*
When he can finally leave the facility he would talk to her and explain himself...

Suddenly Bum hears loud noises coming from the hallway.
People yelling, furniture moving.
Bum quietly gets up from his bed, opens his door a tiny bit and looks outside.
What he sees, catches him off guard.
His jaw drops when he sees who is causing all this noises.
Three male nurses are trying to calm someone down. But he is too strong.
*Just look at his arms*
Bum swallows hard.
As the new arrival tries to fight off the nurses,
he headbumps one of them and finally Bum can take a good look at his face.
His beautiful face.
Before Bum can try to memorize his facial features, one of the nurses punches the patients with his fist in his face.
Bum bites his lower lip so hard, he tastes blood.
*Was that necessary*
The patient looks down, his blond hair falling into his face.
But then he looks back up and Bum gasps,
when he sees that he is smiling.
*Why is he smiling*

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