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Bums POV

As someone who has never been kissed like this before, Bum can hardly comphrehend the sensation that's gushing through his body.
So much has happened in the last couple of days. Meeting Sangwoo has changed his life completely. He never thought that anyone would ever hold him like this, let alone kiss him like this.
*I endured so much pain, physically and mentally, so many ups and downs in just a few days, but how is it possible that only the positive things stay present in my mind?*
A thought pops up again. The same exact thought he had, when him and Sangwoo spoke to each other for the very first time.
*I love you!*
And now this thought is more valid than it was before.
The feelings he had for Sangwoo the moment he saw him, were purely based on the impression he had of him.
But now Bum really feels like he knows Sangwoo. He knows his dark side and his flaws but he above all knows his vulnerable and soft side.
*And I will know absolutely everything there is to know about Oh Sangwoo*
Bum diggs his hand in Sangwoos hair, while he subconsciously climbs on his lap.
Sangwoos hands rest on Bum hips, pulling him even closer until there is no more space between them.
Bums chest hurts, like his heart is trying to jump out and break free.
After a while of them savoring this lingering kiss with each other, Bums anticipation grows painfully big.
After having raw, rough sex with Sangwoo twice, Bum cannot imagine how good it will feel if Sangwoo is gentle with him.
He starts moving on Sangwoos lap, applying pressure against his crotch by grinding on him.
He lowers one hand fumbling with Sangwoos pants impatiently, but stops when Sangwoo holds his wrist tightly.
„Let's do it slowly!" Sangwoos voice is a deep whisper that causes Bum to shudders.
Sangwoo pushes Bum gently onto his back, so that he is now on top of Bum.
Their lips still caress each other, hungrily yet gentle.
Somehow, Sangwoo manages to control the kiss without applying any pressure - he provokes Bum with soft, almost shy touches with his lips and tongue.
Every part of Bums skin feels burning hot as soon as it gets in contact with Sangwoos body.
„Sangwoo..." Bum stops and gasps for air as Sangwoo slowly pulls down Bums pants and looks up.
Their gaze meet and the softest, most genuine smile appears on Sangwoos lips.
Bums heart beats uncontrollably.
How can someone as beautiful as Sangwoo look at Bum as if he is worth to be looked at.
*How did I get so lucky?*
Sangwoo lets Bums pants glide to the floor next to the bed before he pushes his own pants down.
Bum looks at him with a defenseless expression as Sangwoo pressed Bums legs against his chest.
This position causes Bum to feel utterly exposed and insecure and he instinctively covers his face with both hands. The last two times they had sex, everything happened so fast, that Bum didn't have the time to be shy.
Only when he feels a cold, wet drop touch his anus, he takes his hands down to look at Sangwoo.
Sangwoos expression is almost admiring as he gently spreads his saliva with his fingers, slowly entering Bum.
In the beginning, Sangwoo is completely concentrated on what he is doing, but after a moment, he looks up, trying to observe Bums reaction.
Bum quickly closes his eyes and lets out an uncontrolled moan, while Sangwoo fingers him slowly.
„Does this feel good?"
Bum is not able to speak or react to Sangwoos deep voice.
*If this feels good? It's the best feeling I ever had* Bums body trembles.
Finally, he manages to nod hectically, his eyes still closed shut.
„And how does this feel?"
Sangwoo looks at Bum intently while he little by little pushes his erect cock into Bums hole.
Bum clenches his teeth together, trying not to scream from pleasure.
Nothing has ever made Bum feel this good before in his whole life. Everything he has experienced up to this point in his life, feels dull and grey.
*I'm going to die from happiness! How am I suppose to survive this?*
The slow pace that Sangwoo uses to fuck
Bum makes it so much more intense.
He feels so much more sensitive, that after just a few thrusts, the pleasure seems to reach it's peak.
He can't hold back any longer.
„I love you Sangwoo!"
Sangwoo doesn't look suprised nor shocked. He continues fucking Bum in a steady, slow pace, his cheeks red, his expression is strong and concentrated.
„I love you so much! I feel like I'm dying!"
Hot tears of joy run down Bums face.
Sangwoo leans down to Bum and kisses his wet cheeks.
„You can't die just yet!", he whispers and plants kisses down Bums neck, sucking his skin, biting it gently.
Bum moans loud, not able to hold back.
*We're one!*
He reaches his climax, his cum splashing against his own chest, while Sangwoo continues thrusting.
This was, without a doubt, the most intense orgasm that Bum ever experienced.
Sangwoo lets go of Bums legs, and pulls him on top of himself.
„Can you ride me?"
Bum looks down at Sangwoo, now sitting on top of him. His expression is shocked.
„I...I've never done this."
Bums voice is pressed and breathless - now that Bum sits on Sangwoos lap, his cock seems to reach much deeper then it did before. His whole body is still shaking from the orgasm he just had.
*I don't know if I can do this right now*
„It's okay, try moving on your own!", Sangwoo moans and puts his hands on Bums hips guiding him for a moment.
Even the tiniest movement feels amazing.
Bum puts his hand on his flat stomach, feeling a bulge, where Sangwoos dick reaches.
„It's so deep." Bum moans.
Sangwoo pulls Bum down to him to kiss his wet lips.
„You're doing well, keep going!"

Sangwoos POV

Sangwoo breathes heavily while he closes his eyes for a moment.
Bums movements are so clumsy and unpredictable, it drives him half insane.
Sometimes Bum moves so effortless and rhthmic that Sangwoo feels like he can't hold back any longer, but then in the next moment, Bum would just stop, preventing Sangwoo from coming.
„I love you, Sangwoo!"
Whenever Bum moans something like this, Sangwoo has to fight the urge to tell him to shut up.
*At least this one time I have to be nice to him.* Instead, he pulls bum closer by his neck and kisses him, preventing him from talking more nonsense.
*I don't know if it's the pleasure that makes him say this stuff, but either way, why does it turn me on so much?*
Sangwoo moans deeply as Bum moves faster on top of him.
He tries his hardest not to come.
Their loud breathing is the only thing that can be heard in this room.
Sangwoo pulls Bum closer again, looking him deep into his eyes.
„You have no idea how hard it is to hold back!", Sangwoo says, his voices sounding like a deep growl.
It just feels natural for him to take over control and dominate Bum, but having Bum on top of him, feels much better then he ever expected.
All Sangwoo wants is for this time to be special. After having his way with Bum during his actual first time, he just wants him to enjoy it as much as possible.
That's why Sangwoo has to endure this as long as he can.
Bums Body is shaking as he lets himself fall on top of Sangwoo.
„Don't hold back!", Bum begs breathless.
Sangwoo can feel their hearts beating fast as their sweaty, cum covered chests touch.
*The little control I had left...*
Sangwoo wraps his strong arms tightly around Bums body. *... is completely gone now!*
He holds onto Bum tightly, while he thrusts aggressively.
It doesn't take long for both of them to reach their climax together.
Bum collapses on top of Sangwoo, his body trembling uncontrollably, while Sangwoo is completely breathless.
His heart is still racing so fast, while he tries to make sense out of his own feelings and emotions.
He has so much more experience then Bum, but he cannot recall ever being this turned on by any of his past sex partners.
Sangwoo slowly caresses Bums back with the tips of his fingers.
Still, he can't quiet figure out what really draws him to Bum. Is it his vulnerability, that he used to despise? Or is it Bums obsession with Sangwoo?
Maybe, he will never be able to figure out what really attracts him to Bum, but he knows one thing for sure.
*I will not let you go!*

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