Chapter 45 - Date Night

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Bellatrix stood down toward the end of the bed, seeming visibly uncomfortable. "Are you alright?" Rowan asked. Bellatrix shook her head, turning toward the large doors that led out of the infirmary. "It's been a long time since I have been here. It still feels strange," Bellatrix admitted as she gently sat down beside Rowan on the cot. Rowan knew all too well what Bellatrix was feeling; she had felt the same thing when she had returned to Ilvermorny. 

Madam Pomfrey emerged from her office, seeming extremely excited. "Are you ready, Professor Knight?" She asked, eagerly rubbing her hands together. Rowan chuckled awkwardly; it was all she could do. She wasn't ready, and there was no way to prepare for this moment. "Correct me if I'm wrong, Madam," Bellatrix piped up. "My sister couldn't see Draco until much later. Rowan isn't far enough along," 

Madam Pomfrey smiled sweetly and nodded. "You are correct, Miss Lestrange. However, this baby is one powerful witch or wizard. I could already see the child when Rowan arrived, and she was only four weeks along," She answered as she connected her wand to the strange contraption. Rowan closed her eyes, not sure if she wanted to see the image that was about to be in front of her. It would make it all so real

When Rowan heard Bellatrix gasp, Rowan snapped her eyes open. The screen showed what could easily be mistaken as television static, similar to the kind harsh storms would cause. Though, in the middle of all of that, there was a very prominent dark oval. Rowan stared in disbelief as Madam Pomfrey took pictures of the screen. In true wizard fashion, Rowan watched as the pictures came to life. "It already looks like Severus," Bellatrix mumbled, causing Rowan to chuckle lightly. "All it needs is a little cape," Rowan added, causing even Madam Pomfrey to laugh. 

"When are you going to tell him?" Bellatrix asked and the room fell silent. Rowan didn't know, and so she didn't answer. Instead, she changed the subject. "Poppy, is Fenrir still here at Hogwarts?" she asked, turning so that the monitor was out of her view. Madam Pomfrey smiled as she turned off the machine and placed her wand down. "He is. The headmaster said that the only safe place for Mr. Greyback is inside these walls until Evanora is caught," she explained before excusing herself to go and get something from her office. 

Sitting up, Rowan looked over to Bellatrix. She seemed unusually upset, and Rowan wasn't sure what to do. "Bellatrix?" Rowan called out but to no avail. Bellatrix was lost in thought, and Rowan decided to leave her that way. It was always something Rowan wanted when she was thinking deeply. 

Madam Pomfrey cleared her throat, earning Rowan's attention once again as she re-entered the infirmary room. "I have asked Professor Snape to make this; it will help with your nausea," she said, placing a small vile in Rowan's hand. "How much do I take?" Rowan asked as she sat up and flipped her legs so that they were dangling off the side of the cot. "A few drops under your tongue should do the trick. This won't last but a week, and I cannot ask for more without telling Professor Snape why. He was already suspicious that I wouldn't allow him to come," Madam Pomfrey explained, and Rowan nodded anxiously. 

"Thank you, Poppy. Same time next week?" Rowan asked half-jokingly, but Madam Pomfrey only nodded. Sighing, Rowan stood up and moved so that she was in Bellatrix's eyesight. "Oh! Rowan," Bellatrix said nonchalantly as she cleared her throat. Rowan chuckled and shook her head lightly. "Is this about Tom?" Rowan asked as they walked out together and began toward Severus' quarters. 

She would have thought that Bellatrix would have stopped in her tracks at the mention of her old lover, but Bellatrix kept on without missing a beat."Was it obvious?" Bellatrix inquired as embarrassment rose in her throat. "No- I've seen that look. I saw it in Juniper right before she disappeared and I've seen it in myself," Rowan answered as she tried her best not to upset Bellatrix. Bellatrix was a very guarded and scorned woman; she had been through so much in such a short period of time. "Weakness," Bellatrix added, more a statement than a question.

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