"Why is that?" Ron asked worried about our tattoos and why we don't say anything.

"Because Mira and Juvia are not coming back. they each have some responsibilities. Mira looks after her sister and brother. Juvia has to talk to someone. So we are bringing some of our other friends. Levy and Gajeel. I have a feeling that Levy will be in Ravenclaw and Gajeel in gryffindor." Erza said. Ron looked intrigued and Harry looked surprised.

"intresting. Do the rest of your guy's family worry about you." Harry asked. We all tensed up. They noticed. "What is wrong? We are all friends." I stare at Natsu and Loke. Loke runs and jumps out of the window to get away.

"How the bloody hell can he do that?" Ron asked. Juvia grabs Gray when Ron and Harry are not looking to turn him and herself into water. They disappear into the school.

"Where did Juvia and Gray go?" There is a sudden crash of thunder, "And why is it suddenly raining." Harry wonders.

"Poor Juvia, I hope Gray can take care of her." Mira said flying out the window.

"Why does Juvia need to be take care of? Where did they go?" Ron asks. I stare at Natsu about to cry, I can see Erza and Jellal about to burst.

"R-Ron can y-you and H-harry leave u-us." I stutter. Natsu grabs me and runs. I don't know what happens to Jellal and Erza. We end up in the library. I sit down in one of the chairs and cry. Natsu pulled me into his arms, I cry into his chest. His shirt was becoming wet with my tears, His arms wrapped around my body and pulled me into his chest. He was stroking my hair. I feel so complete and comfortable in his arms.

"I love you Natsu." I say.

"Love you too Luce." HE said in the best tonei could ever want from him.

"Do you need to get some research done for the next task. Especially since it is in the next week?" I say he looks at me with a questioning face.

"Your mind is a interesting thing. So yes." We start to do recherche for the next week. We are in here every chance we get. By the end of the week Harry, Hermione, Ron, Erza and Jellal joined us.


A night before the second task.

"'I can't find anything" Natsu calls. It is Harry, Ron, Hermione, Natsu and I here. We were the only ones in the library now. We where looking for something so Natsu and harry can stay underwater for a long time. "Someone is coming." Natsu said jumping up.

"Thank you for announcing me Mr. Dragneel." Mcgonagall calls.

"Sorry professor." Natsu sulks.

"I need Miss Granger, Mr Weasley, and Miss Heartfilia." She says, Natsu growls, "She will be back Mr. Dragneel." I lean down and kiss him.

"I will. You will always see me again." I whisper. I walk out with hermione and ron. When we get to McGonagall office she sits behind her desk.

"you guys will be part of the next task. You will be the treasure." I shake. "Ron, Potter will rescue you, Mr Krum will rescue Hermione and Dragneel will rescue Lucy." Ron and Hermione nod their heads. I shake more.

"No No No, Natsu will kill you i promise you that, He has lost me to much." I yell. Mcgonagall looks surprised.

"He can get you back though." She said.

"I know but still, He can not stand me being gone." Loke apears.

'You could be visiting me and my sisters." Loke explains.

"I-I guess, When do I need to be there." I ask.

"We will be putting you under tonight." mcgonagall says. That could be a problem.

"Can you do me an hour before the task and someone that will not be there has to put me under or Natsu will freak out." I say.

"That will work. Granger, Weasley, come with me." They leave.

"I will "be" in the celestial world tomorrow. Tell the rest of the spirits that I was not attacked."

"Okay princess." Loke leaves. I head to the dorm because as soon as i left Natsu would have gone to bed. once i get there i slip into bed and fall asleep.

The next morning,

Me and Natsu have been up for an hour and have eaten. all of my friends know what is happening. "Natsu I have to go to the spirit world for a few hours. Ii will be back in time to see you okay? I will not be there until after you dive. okay, But i will be there." Natsu looks so hurt.

"Okay Luce. Be there when i win." He said cheerfully. I leave and go to where i meet the guy. All i remember after that is black.

Natsu's POV.

Once Luce left i was so sad. All of us left the table at breakfast and are on our way to the lake. Once we get there i change into a pair of red flaming swim trunks. I stand on the platform not knowing what is going to happen. Dumbledore starts talking and i ignore him wondering where Luce is. I see all the champions jumping into the lake. I turn and see Erza.

'Take this and go. NOW!" Erza yells. I see a type of seaweed. I eat it and jump into the lake so i don't face her wrath. Once i am in the water i smell Luce's secnt. What is she doing her? She is in the spirit world. I follow the scent. Once i get to the end i see a city and see Luce tied to chains. I punch the chains with my fire and pull her out of the water. she coughs up the water that is in her mouth.

"why luce?" I ask.

"You would have attacked them. so i told you something else." I say.

"Thank you." Once we get onto the deck it said that i got a good number of points. 10, 9, 8 and 10. I hold on to Luce and warm her up. We head in after everything and me and Luce go have a nap.

Spring break starts on friday! Then me and Lindsay will be taking a two week break! When we get back we will have at least four chapter to post that tuesday and friday! See ya

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